
Tormado1.2a3 UPLOADED: Blomgren Fixed Point Color TV working

1)Blomgren Fast TV(grey and color)
The new results are now equivalent to Blomgren thesis.

Strong denoising is working effectively, and fastest results use SGS-bicgstab (5 times faster than other linear solvers)

Full color TV:
TVnm & TVtrace were more accurate, and give better contrast on details that TVn1(single channel) separate color.
Grey images are also supported.

2)New Weber TV
- tested on grey satellite images.
Weber TV was effective in flatning brightness, but currently introduces additional blurring.
May be used in segmentation.

Some FFT operations are also demonstrated.

Get demo & sources Today, and make good use.

I move now to the deconvolution part, for next release.

Posted by Bernard De Cuyper 2005-05-14

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