
#45 Import


There's an import restriction which allows only to import cvs files. I
think id should be possible to import all the formats (except pdf) which
can be generated for export.


  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-04-25
    • assigned_to: mguenter --> fingerli
  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-04-25

    @fim: where exactly is the restriction? for attachements?

  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-04-27


  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-04-27

    it's in the import section.

  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-04-27
    • assigned_to: fingerli --> mguenter
  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-04-28

    ok, have it changed...

  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-04-28
    • assigned_to: mguenter --> fingerli
  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-05-15

    nothing changed.... i get the error only cvs files are allowed. and i'm not even able to import the template i've exported before.

    and why is the project not automatically generated if i'm uploading a file? i thinke the project should be generated.

  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-05-15
    • assigned_to: fingerli --> slavpeev
  • Slav Peev

    Slav Peev - 2009-05-20
    • assigned_to: slavpeev --> fingerli
  • Slav Peev

    Slav Peev - 2009-05-20

    Sorry for not answering till now, but the issue was never assigned to me before...
    Having the performance problems with pdfs and xls, I think the server won't be able to import (big) excel files. There are no such problems with csvs(as well as in the export).
    I can give it a try, but probably we will need to have a limitation on the number of requirements to import or increase of server resources/performance

  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-05-22
    • assigned_to: fingerli --> slavpeev
  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-05-22

    give a try and look how performant the import is.

  • Slav Peev

    Slav Peev - 2009-06-25

    I've simulated an import from large xls files and I can't see any performance problems with a file with about 1000 requirements and 500K in size. So, I think such import is possible and won't be limited by memory issues (or at least not as the exports).

    Before proceeding(as the implementation will be difficult) the following issues should be considered:

    -projects can be generated on the go as there are certain mandatory which can't be provided in the initial import files. So, the project should be created first and then project's name to exists in the import file.

    -import will be with the exact format from the export or the format will be different?

    -if the tree should be generated from the import file than it is mandatory that the project should be emptied first from all requirements (done automatically), otherwise adding new requirements to existing ones while attempting to generate trees will lead to errors in the tree structure!
    The other way is to add requirements, but without any tree or positions.

    -if using the format from the export - there is ability to set which fields to be exported first. So, the import should be done only if the full export is done, or it will be possible if not all fields are exported? The second variant will be much harder for implementation, and maybe could cause some problems.

    Please, discuss these and I'll wait for your answer.

  • Slav Peev

    Slav Peev - 2009-06-25
    • assigned_to: slavpeev --> fingerli
  • Michael Finger

    Michael Finger - 2009-06-30
    • assigned_to: fingerli --> mguenter
  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-06-30

    * projects can be generated on the go as there are certain mandatory which
    can't be provided in the initial import files. So, the project should be
    created first and then project's name to exists in the import file.

    OK, but it should be mentioned in the manual

    * Import format is the same

    * Emptiying a project should be done with care (warning message, YES, NO)

    * The import can be done from a full export. There is a minimal set of fields that must be present. Missing fields otherwise remain empty.

  • M. Günter

    M. Günter - 2009-06-30
    • assigned_to: mguenter --> slavpeev