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I'm not involved with the ReportLab project, but I _am_
currently printing ReportLab-generated reports through CUPS
to an IPP-enabled printer (printer "Xerox" on our system):

$ lp -dXerox report.pdf

CUPS will do the PDF to PostScript conversion for you and it
all works quite nicely.

It probably wouldn't be hard to have a little bit of extra Python
code so you render the PDF to a variable, then open a pipe
to ps2pdf or 'acroread -toPostScript'. You could either read
the output back in to another buffer and do an HTTP request to
print it over IPP, or simply pipe it to 'lp'.

FYI, I'm using Python and ReportLab as a plug-in print system
for a legacy system (1982!!!) that doesn't understand
PostScript. So yeah, I'd say you could consider making
"reports" to be useful for printing.

It might be an idea to explain your question in a little more
detail if you had more in mind. My personal suspicion is that
there's no need for ReportLab to be aware of CUPS and IPP,
because it can already render a PDF (or EPS etc for the
Drawing engine) to an arbitrary filehandle or in-memory string.