

  • Karl Middlebrooks

    I'm running MacOS X 10.0.4 with the builtin Perl 5.6 and am having just one minor problem using REOback.

    The backup process creates the list of files to be backed up, and successfully compresses the *list*, but it doesn't actually archive any of the files on the list.

    I'd already edited to remove the "-T" flag in the subroutine where that flag gets supplied to tar (processFiles, maybe?), because the version of tar running on OS X does not support the -T flag.

    • Karl Middlebrooks

      Ah, nevermind. I fixed it myself by getting a non-broken version of tar from GNU. GNU tar 1.13 compiles just fine and REOback worked like a charm the first time after that.

      • Randy Oyarzabal

        Randy Oyarzabal - 2001-08-25

        I'm glad it worked out for you.  Thanks for posting your OS and tar version.  I will make a note that it is also tested on that platform.

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