
#16 Crash even after re-install


First: Nice an old, old UNIX programmer, I'm
happy to see regular expressions creeping into Windows.

I installed v2.0.3.0(beta) on XPsp1, played a little,
crashed it, restarted, played some more, crash it again,
then could not restart--I got an exception before it
would display its form. Finally I Add/Remove'd it and
reinstalled, but _still_ got the exception. Decided to
check for leftovers under Program Files and found it had
not removed its subtree (not polite). So I deleted the
subtree, installed again, and it worked.

Apparently the last crash left one of the config files in a
state that the startup could not tolerate, and uninstall
left the problem behind. I lost the message from CLR
Debugger (sorry), but it was something like "Unhandled
exception in ....SDK.AppSomething".

In a similar vein, after the successful reinstall the
window opened with its last size/arrangement,
suggesting that registry entries are not cleaned up by
uninstall, either.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Thanks Mark, for the comment. I had the same problem
    today. I used the RegExLib search feature to find a regular
    expression for street address validation. There was a
    particularly long one that I loaded. In the comments for the
    expression, in the source window, was a link to the
    site, for a list of valid state abbreviations. I used my mouse
    to highlight the URL, pressed Ctrl-C to copy it, and
    WHAMMO! It crashed! Couldn't restart the app, even after
    uninstall and re-install.

    All I get is a splash screen, then this error, which you
    partially referenced:

    An unhandled exception ('System.TypeInitialization
    Exception') occurred in Regulator.exe [5044].

    If I stepped into Debug (no source, of course), it had this
    added nugget:

    The type initializer for "Regulator.SDK.AppContext" threw an

    Hopefully this will help Roy isolate the cause and make a
    great product even more stable. I'll go try your tip now of
    deleting the stranded tree under the PF directory.

    Troy Whistman

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The errormessage is this:

    Regulator.exe - common Language Runtime Debugging
    Application has generated an exception that could not be
    Process id=0xaa4 (2724), Thread id=0x8c8 (2248).
    Click OK to terminate the application.
    Click CANCEL to debug the application.

    The repair option of setup.exe didn't solve the problem
    I had to uninstall and completely remove the install directory
    So probably some bad or unfinished data was written to the
    three files that
    are being left after uninstalling : I believe editor.config,
    quickmenu.config and a third file (don't remember).


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