
Regina generated messages for non 0 RCs

  • Jerry Senowitz

    Jerry Senowitz - 2012-10-05

    In the following example one rexx procedure invokes another as a separate process. While this is a poor example for writing a rexx program, it demonstrates my query that follows.

    /* */
         say "value of RC:" rc

    /* */
         say "entered B"
         exit 2

    Console output:
    entered B
         2 *-* "b.rx"      (Would like to somehow eliminate these 2 messages)
           +++ RC=2 +++
    value of RC: 2

    Is there a way to eliminate the Regina generated messages whenever a non zero return code is returned to the caller? I know that I can rewrite the above 2 procedures to eliminate the messages, but, if "B.RX" is a ".EXE" I need to detect the results(RC special variable) of the ".EXE" without Regina saying that there is something that it doesn't understand. I put in a "SIGNAL ON ERROR", but the messages come out before the error routine gets control. Tried this scenario using ooRexx and do not get the unwanted messages. I am trying to write procedures that are compatible with both Regina and ooRexx.

    My operating system environment is Windows XP Pro SP3 32 bit w/ Regina 3.6.

    Thank you for any assistance.

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2012-10-05

    The erorr messages you are getting are part of Rexx's tracing mechanism.  By default Regina uses the 'N' (normal) option for tracing (see TRACE instruction).  To turn off all tracing use TRACE O (off) as below.

    /* */
        trace o
         say "value of RC:" rc

  • Jerry Senowitz

    Jerry Senowitz - 2012-10-05

    Thank you! Problem Solved!!!


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