
#248 regina rexx status ( 1466142 )


Is regina rexx still mantained ?

I posted what I judge a severe error
-loosing file position ... PR "1466142"
taking time to collect an understandable documentation in order to help You provide a fix;
nobody seems to care to even aknowledge the post or any post so after about ten months I would like to know if You are going to take any action or if I have to look around for scripting alternatives.
OBJECT Rexx .... better not talk about it,
the perfomance is terrible
(sucks - in more explicit words) and furthermore does not seem to provide the same function which regina rexx does

Something which bothers me - and I think many other regina rexx user is that in many replies you say to the poster
"fixed in our test environment"
we would like to be able to enjoy the fixes too :-)


enrico sorichetti


  • Florian Grosse-Coosmann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hi Enrico,

    sigh, yes, you are right. The disadvantage of a more or less single Rexx community is that most people share same interests. Being in the Rexx language association Mark got a time consuming job in the association. He didn't ask for it as far as I remember. And he has a private interests other than computers.

    I am currently disengaged because of my job, and my wife wants to see me some minutes in the week too. It needs some time to normalize.

    Using free software we all know that no commercial interests are behind your ideas. And we also know that without a chance to get some butter on the bread the developers put not the top priority on free software for all times. I can't give you any hope that Regina will be maintained more fluently but we still share interests in regard of Regina. Bugs will be fixed.

    Mark manages the releases and the merging of code changes. He/We test changes more or less thoroughly, so please be patient with us. The amount of time to merge code changes even in a two-person-environment is very big, so changes from "somewhere" still need much more time to get built in. Publishing working versions lead to the problem that some people emit error descriptions to unofficial releases which confuses "us". Is this an old bug, is this a new bug, it the testing user not capable to install the testing version properly or does he/she use a new platform? You can spend much time doing more or less nothing for the code itself.

    Therefore be patient with us.

    On the other hand: Rick (of ooRexx) already asked for the ADDRESS WITH code ;-)

    Thank you for the pointer again. I will fix it as soon as possible to me.

    Cheers, Florian

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2007-04-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    In case you missed the news announcement, the Regina source code is now available via SVN. The SVN repository has the latest changes that have been made to Regina since the 3.3 release.

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2007-04-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> fgc

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