
#12 evalualtion fault


While trying to cleanup some cross system files, I found this problem while debugging.
The problem is an an unrestricted read into the REXX system buffer. I told the program
LINEIN( xxxxx) and grabbed something. No simple errors. When the interpreter
tries to substring this buffer, REXX dies hard. If my system allowed. REXX would core.

I know that I am readiing something ugly into the input buffer. However, I was
processing large strings like my text, which is separated wth ^P. I meant to replace
The ^P with ^J,^M,. I can send both the data file (modula2 compiler segment) and
the little program I ran and found this fault.

I realize there are other methods of picking up data. The trace program would abort
if I picked up this variable and tried to substring it. So the fix would seem to be a change
in the processing of extreme objects. I could make this change but I am sure that you
would prefer a fix, if you think it worth the effort, ... that fix to be in your source tree.

the version I compiled was pulled from this site, last week (Jan 15) or so.
I am running SLACKWARE 7.0.


  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2002-04-26
    • assigned_to: nobody --> rexx
  • Florian Grosse-Coosmann

    Logged In: YES

    I can't rebuild the error with either 2.2, 3.0 or 3.1.
    I checked both changestr and a softcoded one, see below.
    Does anyone have got a similar error?

    * try "rexx thisscript /usr/lib/STAR" with STAR = *
    * This will produce some work.

    parse version v
    say "This is" v
    say ""
    lines = 0
    total = 0
    do i = 1 to words( arg( 1 ) )
    lines = lines + process( word(arg(1), i) )
    say ""
    say lines "lines changed"
    return 0

    process: procedure expose total
    retval = 0
    fn = arg( 1 )
    FF = d2c( 15 )
    CRLF = d2c( 13 ) || d2c( 10 )
    call charout , d2c( 13 ) || copies( " ", 79 ) || ,
    d2c( 13 ) || "processing" fn ""
    signal on notready name endproc
    do forever
    l = linein( fn )
    occurs = countstr( FF, l )
    total = total + occurs
    o = changestr2( FF, l, CRLF )
    if l \= o then do
    retval = retval + 1
    if length( l ) + occurs \= length( o ) ,
    | occurs = 0 then
    say ": oops, changestr don't work properly"
    else do
    if occurs \= 0 then
    say ": oops, changestr don't work properly"
    return retval

    changestr2: procedure
    needle = arg( 1 )
    haystack = arg( 2 )
    newneedle = arg( 3 )
    retval = ""
    start = 1
    npos = pos( needle, haystack )
    do while npos > 0
    retval = retval || substr( haystack, start, npos - start )
    retval = retval || newneedle
    start = npos + length( needle )
    npos = pos( needle, haystack, start )
    retval = retval || substr( haystack, start )
    return retval


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