
#38 Snow Leopard won't install of System with refit


For whatever reason, Snow Leopard refuses to recognize the HFS+ partition as bootable and will not install on it with a system that has rEFIt installed. I don't know that this is rEFIt's fault, but an issue with the partitioning- however there is nowhere else to turn for help. DiskUtil could not resize the HFS+ partition and reported that "MediaKit cannot find the partition", or some such nonsense that doesn't reflect the actual problem it is having. My though is that since I partitioned the system with 4 partitions and no space at the end of the HFS+ partition, Snow Leopard thinks its a non-bootable partition. DiskUtil won't fix it for me due to the error message, and while it looks like iPartition would work, the application costs more than the Snow Leopard update!

Any insight you might have on the partition schemes and getting things to a workable state where I can upgrade to rEFIt w/Snow Leopard would be appreciated since others are having similar problems.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It would appear refit has gone inactive as a project. I would caution using it if the developers are absent for weeks right after a major OS release. I expected to see some authoritative note regarding SL compatibility on the web site- but nope.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    just found a good updated project @


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