
#93 Order of Appearance: External HDD before Internal


When starting my Macbook Pro, I can choose wether I want to boot Mac OS X from my internal HDD, Mac OS X from the external USB-HDD or if I want to boot Linux (from internal HDD).

But: The default selection is not the Mac OS X on the internal HDD, but it always wants to boot Mac OS X from the external HDD.

I found no way to change this behaviour, but I might be that I just did not see it.

If there is a way to change this, then I would be glad if it would be easier to find.

If there is no way then there should be ;-)


  • Christoph Pfisterer

    • labels: 827509 --> rEFIt User Interface
  • Christoph Pfisterer

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm afraid there's no options to control the order, or the default boot volume. It's on the feature list for the "big config file revamp", which I don't have time to do. :( [Moving this to feature requests.]

    As a stop-gap measure, you could use the "disable external" option in refit.conf to completely hide any external drives from the menu.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am having this problem as well. I would love to see the ability to set the boot order more permanently.


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