
#26 USB keyboard not working


I have a Intel Mini, and have installed rEFIt, unfortunately when the rEFIt menu comes up I am unable to change the selection on the screen or do anything at all except wait for the count down and then boot into Mac OS. I have a Microsoft USB keyboard, and a wired mighty mouse.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same Problem on an Intel iMac 24" with latest-greatest Apple-Patches. Unable to change selection with USB-Keyboard (Original Apple Keyboard delivered with iMac)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have the same problem on my Intel iMac 20" with a Microsoft Keyboard (Microsoft Natural Ergo Keyboard 4000 ). I have the latest version of rEFIt (0.10) with the latest software and firmware updates from Apple installed.

    When my computer boots up... the boot menu presents itself, but the keyboard does not respond. However, if I unplug the USB cable for my keyboard, then plug it back in... it works.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I solved it connecting the keyboard directly to the imac (it was on a USB hub) It worked for me.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm also unable to change my selection. I'm using an Apple keyboard on my Intel Core Duo iMac (20", all white model) and used the installer package to install rEFIt, and the keyboard is plugged directly into the Mac.


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