
Make "nomodeset" argument permanent?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-15

    Running a 2009 Macbook Pro with Elementary OS (Freya).

    rEFInd correctly sees both OSX and Linux 3.13.0-46-generic.

    On boot, system freezes at line "EFI VGA driver issue" unless I:

    • Highlight Linux 3.13.0-46-generic

    • Hit F2 - I see "Boot with normal options, boot into single user mode, return to main menu"

    • Hit F2 again - I see the rEFInd Line Editor

    On the rEFInd Line Editor, I leave everything default, except at the end I add " nomodeset" and hit enter. Elementary OS boots fine after.

    I want to make " nomodeset" a permanent, automatic argument to this Linux kernel booting. How can I accomplish this?

    Googling indicates there should be a way with either refind.conf or linux_refind.conf, but I don't have either one of these files.

    • Do I have to create them myself? And if so, where do I put them? /boot/ ...? somewhere else?

    • Where do I see / edit the current rEFInd menu options like "boot with normal.." etc?

    Thank you!


    Last edit: Anonymous 2015-03-15
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-15

    So.. kind of hacked this workaround together and it's working (and by working, I mean this "overwrites" the default boot options that were created by rEFInd, and it successfully automatically passes the nomodeset argument), but wondering if there is a way to tell rEFIind to use a grub config or something more.. stable? This will break on next kernel upgrade as I'm manually entering the UUID. Nevertheless, here's what I did:

    On the Elementary (Freya) partition, in


    I created a refind_linux.conf file:

    /boot $ touch refind_linux.conf

    Added to refind_linx.conf:

    "My New Menu Option" "ro root=UUID={my unique UUID here} intird=boot\initrd.img-3.13.0-46-generic nomodeset"

    Would definitely like to know the right way to do all this, though?


    Last edit: Anonymous 2015-03-15
    • Sean Martz

      Sean Martz - 2022-10-02

      I know this has been a while since you posted this. I am looking to do the same thing. For the "My New Menu Option" do you put that how it is, or the name of the menu option?
      Thanks in advance

  • Roderick W. Smith

    You did it right, EXCEPT that you should omit the intird=boot\initrd.img-3.13.0-46-generic part. rEFInd can figure out which initrd file to link to which kernel, based on their version strings, so you don't need to include such a specification unless you deviate from the normal (for most distributions) naming of initrd files.

    Incidentally, the script that comes with rEFInd will create a /boot/refind_linux.conf file. It would probably omit the necessary nomodeset option, but you can always add that back. If you were to run it now, it would refuse to create a new file because one already exists, but you could rename yours beforehand or use the --force option to force it to do so.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-20

    Thank you Roderick for the answer!


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