larmarange - 2009-04-22

With show.php, it is currently possible to specify the order of the resulst with citeOrder parameter. But possibilites are limited (year, author, type, type-year, creation-date).
In some cases, we need user-specific order.

The by parameter is currently used only if submit=Browse. It would be fine to use this parameter with in Liste View, Citations and Display details to specify a specific order.

It is very easy to implement in refbase. In show.php, lines 905-912, change with :

elseif ($citeOrder == "creation-date") // sort records such that newly added/edited records get listed top of the list:
                $query .= " ORDER BY created_date DESC, created_time DESC, modified_date DESC, modified_time DESC, serial DESC";

elseif (!empty($browseByField))
                $query .= " ORDER BY $browseByField";

else // if any other or no 'citeOrder' parameter is specified

An example can be viewed here :

Best regards