
Export function

  • Knut Krüger

    Knut Krüger - 2008-07-22

    Hi to all

    I tried to use the Export Records:function with ISI or RIS format but i got only a blank page?

    Regards Knut

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Knut,

      > I tried to use the Export Records:function with ISI or RIS format
      > but i got only a blank page?

      You mean you tried to export records via the refbase web interface?

      Where did you try this? I mean, is this a refbase installation (from the SVN trunk?) where export did work previously? If so, did you change anything in between, maybe update the refbase scripts or Bibutils (to which version?)?

      Or did you move Bibutils to a different path? Or could it be that its permissions were changed?

      Please provide as much information as possible. This helps us figure out what might be wrong.

      Thanks, Matthias

    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2008-07-22

      Hi Matthias
      Hi Knut,

      > You mean you tried to export records via the refbase web interface?

      > If so, did you change anything in between, maybe update the refbase scripts or Bibutils (to which version?)?
      yes new server with different paths

      I followed the hints:
      and changed the save_mode_exec_dir in the database

      1      refbase      true      NULL

      2     bibutils     true     /home/www/server/bibutils/

      > Or could it be that its permissions were changed?
      directory permission 750 and file permission 750?
      I tried a lot ,but it doesn`t work

      Thanks, Knut

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Knut,

      I'm not sure I fully understand your new setup.

      > yes new server with different paths

      So you did move refbase & bibutils to a new server? Is this a hosted server, or do you have full control over this server?

      And bibutils is located at:



      And PHP safe_mode is enabled on that server?

      If so, could you temporarily disable it?

      Was safe_mode enabled on your previous server?

      What do you mean by:

      > changed the save_mode_exec_dir in the database

      If safe_mode is enabled, you'll need to put your bibutils apps within the directory that's specified in the safe_mode_exec_dir setting in your active 'php.ini' file. Then, you'd need to set this path in the refbase MySQL table 'depends', e.g.:

      UPDATE depends SET depends_path = "/home/www/server/bibutils/" WHERE depends_external = "bibutils";

      > directory permission 750 and file permission 750?

      Have you tried setting its permissions to 755?

      In addition, you need to make sure that the PHP temp/session directory is readable & writable by Apache/PHP/bibutils.

      And have you tried to explicitly set variable '$sessionTempDir' in file 'initialize/' to the path of your server's PHP temp/session directory?


    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2008-07-23

      Hi Matthias,
      problem solved, added file permission settings to - please verify

      >Is this a hosted server,

      > And bibutils is located at:

      similar I do not know whether, it is good to post the path to executable files

      >What do you mean by:

      > changed the save_mode_exec_dir in the database
      uptdated with PhpMy admin edit mode instead with
      UPDATE depends SET depends_path = "/home/www/server/bibutils/" WHERE depends_external = "bibutils";

      >Have you tried setting its permissions to 755?
      If I remember right the file permissions to the directory must not 755, for any other purpose.
      so I tried 750 for the directory and 755 for the executable files - worked 750 for the filed does not work.

      >In addition, you need to make sure that the PHP temp/session directory is readable & writable by Apache/PHP/bibutils.
      this should be OK if refbase file upload is working.

      Thank you Knut

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Knut,

      > problem solved

      Glad you could resolve your issues.

      Btw, I just logged into your eq. beh. database, and export seems to be working now for all formats except for RIS -- maybe the permissions for the Bibutils 'xml2ris' program are still incorrect?

      Also, w.r.t. your own refbase installation, you should be able to enable more export formats for anonymous users by doing following steps:

      - login as admin and go to 'user_options.php?userID=0'
      - disable all export formats except one (say ISI) and click the "Submit" button
      - recall 'user_options.php?userID=0' and enable again all desired formats, then click the "Submit" button

      > added file permission settings to


      Best, Matthias

    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2008-07-25

      Additional information:
      The RIS format was not working, because the executable files were from February 2007 - the size of the files was less then half of the newest one.
      Its working fine with the newest ones.



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