
OK so how do I?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    How do you use this with any of the popular wordprocessing programs out there?  Citations don't mean much if I can't link them within my paper.  Just looking briefly, it looks like I have to export to something like latex or endnote to use my references in a paper is that correct?

    • Richard Karnesky

      There are actually multiple ways to use refbase from within a word processor:
      (1)export to Endnote (as you said)
      (2)search and replace (typically on serial number)
      (3)retrieve references via SQL interaction with your word processor.

      It is hard to say, but I believe most people use (1), Matthias uses (2), and I use both (1) and (3).

      (3) is most powerful & probably what you are looking for.  It is fairly straight forward in OO.o Writer.

    • Matthias Steffens

      Regarding Rick's #2:

      This is a semi-automatic method which allows you to generate a references list from your text. To do so, include the record's serial number (or its cite key) within your text and enclose them by unique characters (such as braces), like this:

      "Clarke and Ackley (1984) {123} reported significantly higher values that what was found by Tucker and others (1984) {Tucker1984} ..."

      Then paste your complete manuscript text within the form provided by 'extract.php' and submit the form to generate an up-to-date references list.

      If you want a more integrated solution, you should go for Rick's #3. For example, if your word processor allows you to develop a macro or script that extracts all your citations from the text, you can then generate a database query which returns a formatted references list. Here's an example query that returns a reference list for four records (with serials 1, 12, 123 and 1234) formatted according to the "J Glaciol" citation style:,12,123,1234&submit=Cite&showRows=100&citeStyle=J%20Glaciol

      More info about generating such URLs is given here:


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks! this is great, I'll give all three a try to see how it works.  Thanks for the info


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