
Problem when searching in database

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I installed refbase in lampp under Linux.
    I can add entries in the database (i can check it with phpmyadmin)  but search.php faild when searching in the database : I obtain plain php code in my navigator.

    Think you for your help

    • Richard Karnesky

      I have never seen this problem.

      Which PHP code appears? The source code to search.php?  Do you receive any other errors or warnings?

      Have you tried the other scripts.  For example, can you view individual records (with show.php)?


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Think you for the reply,

        I use apache 2, php 5.0.3,

        show.php gives the same problem : the navigator shows the  php source code ... without any other errors.

        • Richard Karnesky

          Strange that some of the scripts are being parsed (index.php & those to add records) & others aren't.  Do you have an explicit
            AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
          in your httpd.conf?

          Have you confirmed that the files which aren't being processed by php have the same owner & permissions as the files which ARE being processed by php?

          What happens when you make a simple file (like:
            <?php phpinfo(); ?>

          in the same directory with the same owner/permissions as the scripts which aren't currently working?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >Strange that some of the scripts are being parsed (index.php & those to add records) & others aren't. Do you have an explicit  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php  in your httpd.conf?


      >Have you confirmed that the files which aren't being processed by php have the same owner & permissions as the files which ARE being processed by php?

      Yes they have the same owner & permissions

      >What happens when you make a simple file (like:
      <?php phpinfo(); ?>

      Tried too

      >in the same directory with the same owner/permissions as the scripts which aren't currently working?

      I changed all files to rw-r--r--, owener/group to root/root

      But no changes in the results,

      I rebuild tow times database ...

      • Richard Karnesky

        >>What happens when you make a simple file (like: 
        <?php phpinfo(); ?> 

        >Tried too
        And what were the results?  If this simple script, with the same owner/permissions/name as the nonworking scripts doesn't work, it indicates that your Apache/PHP is definitely misconfigured.  If it does work, that implies there is something peculiar in those refbase files which don't work.

        I still can't think of any thing which would cause those particular scripts to not work, but which would allow you to add records and to load index.php.


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