
When adding record: Error 1054 : Unknown column 'type' in 'field list'

  • chrysator

    chrysator - 2015-02-19

    Hi all

    Ive been trying to install refbase on my Raspberry for the last few days. Now whenever I try to add a record i get this error:

    Error 1054 : Unknown column 'type' in 'field list'

    I'm using:

    RaspberryPi (Raspbian)
    Apache 2.2.22
    php5 5.4.36-0
    mysql 5.5.41

    Has anyone ever seen this error, and what do I need to do to fix it?

    Thank you in advance


  • Richard Karnesky

    I took the liberty of deleting your post to the feature request forum.
    We've not seen reports of this. I have a Raspberry Pi, but haven't run refbase on it. I can try tonight. I can't imagine the platform is the problem, though.

    I'll walk you through some troubleshooting:

    This error is a MySQL error & it indicates that MySQL doesn't know about the column. How did you install this? Did you customize the database names/prefix at all? Have you confirmed that 'type' appears in yours 'refs' table in the literature database?

    Are you able to show the pre-loaded references? Edit them?

  • Richard Karnesky

    I am unable to replicate your problem.

    I documented my installation procedure here:

    It uses php-5.4.41-0 and mysql-5.5.43, but I can't imagine the versions making a difference here.

    • Rudolf Sinkovics

      Dear Richard,

      Thank you for your message and extra thanks for the post that you provided online. This was extremely helpful and allowed me, a relative newbie to the world of PI and Linux, to install it successfully.

      Relatedly, in order to bring the /refbase-0.9.6/ directory up more elegantly on the webserver as , is it ok to simply create a symbolic link (using "ln -s refbase-0.9.6 refbase") or do I have to make further adjustments somwhere?

      Another more general question that I am trying to find out is whether there is an efficient way to get Endnote references (with PDF’s attached) into the system. I have a huge database that includes pdf’s but while the PDF link (to my local pdf files in the Endnote library associated .DATA/PDF directory) is there, the pdf is not. If you have a pointer in this dircection as well, this would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!

      • Richard Karnesky

        Yes; you may use whatever name/symlinks you want. You may even use Apache's ALIAS or rewrite functionality to have the URL not reflect the storage directory structure.

        contrib/endnote contains tools to export Endnote data in a format readable by MySQL. This will transfer the Endnote links verbatim. Endnote has changed their PDF linking scheme a few times over the years. The tools that refbase uses won't "fix" this for you. But you should be able to use a text editor or other tools to replace, e.g. "internal-pdf://" with "" so, an Endnote link like "internal-pdf://1784918353/a202892.pdf" will become a refbase link like "1784918353/a202892.pdf". You can then copy the contents of the Library.Data\PDF folder into the files directory of the server (making sure the apache user has permissions to read the files and to read/traverse the subdirectories).


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