
#32 100% CPU at all times, even when not recording

v1.0 (example)

I experience, when using gtk-recordMyDesktop version (as seen in the about box)
100% CPU at all times, even when not recording. This occurs as soon as I start the application, and continues until I close the application.

This causes, as can be imagined, my window system to be jumpy (moving windows is sluggish and slow).
However, the actual recording process still works.

A possible side-affect I experience (but if not a side affect it is a separate bug) is that the sound (which worked without configurations, thank you!) to be quickly out of sync with the video. I am hoping that were the CPU usage problem fixed, this would also come into line.


  • svaens

    svaens - 2009-09-16

    Also, regarding the 'sound out of sync' symptom. The reason I believe these are related is because the way the sound recorded seems to stagger, and skip, as one could imagine it might under a high CPU load. So, yes, while the sound works (amazing considering recent pulse audio problems) it is not very easy to listen to. I believe it highly likely that this is due to the above mentioned CPU usage problem.

    Also, this is a reasonably fast system with an Intel Core Duo 2, 2.4 GHz

  • Martin Nordholts

    This issue is very old. If the problem still exists, please file an issue at the new GitHub page:

  • Martin Nordholts

    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> v1.0 (example)

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