

Bruce Martin

The RecordEditor is a Data File editor for Flat Files (delimited and fixed field position) and Xml file Viewer. It supports Unix / PC / Legacy (e.g. Mainframe) file formats, both Text and binary files.

The Editor uses a Record-Layout (or file description) to format the files. This is ideal for Fixed width (Text or Binary) files, Cobol Data Files, Mainframe files and complicated Csv files. Cobol Copybooks can be used to format Cobol Data files.

As well as an editor, The following utilities are supplied

  • Formatted Compare
  • File Copy and reformat Utility
  • FileWizard this is utility will help the user build a file description for an existing file. It can generally find both Text and binary / packed deicimal fields in a file

For Simple Csv you should look at its sister project reCsvEditor.

Note: The core Editor Engine is also used in the following seperate projects:

RecordEditor History

The RecordEditor started as a viewer / editor for fixed width files, from there
Cobol Copybook supported. Next came Csv and then Xml support.

The Data model was expanded and abstracted to allow for editting protocol buffers
and Avro binary files.

In (test) version 0.91.0 support for editting GetText po files and
SwingX Tip of the Day properties files was added. More work is needed for
these 2 formats.

Future Changes will include

  • Impoved Functionality for Existing.
  • Greater Abstraction / better defined API so it is easier to use the Data Engine for structured data
  • More Specialty Editor's

Current Test Version
Production Version

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Cobol / XML Layout import screen
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Record Editor Edit screen
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Filtering ~ Selecting the data to display
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Binary file in single record format
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Record Definition screen
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Binary file in table format

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