
#8 Cannot find JAR files when running RecordEdit


I have JAVA 8 installed on my PC and I installed the current version of RecordEditor. It appears to install OK but when I launch RecordEditor, it displays popup that it is searching javaw.exe file and gives me option to locate file myself. I browse to it and select it, then another error saying JARs are missing (See attachment.). Do I need to do some specific configuration in RecordEdit for JAVA? Thanks.


  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2017-10-12

    Which OS: Windows ???
    Which Version of the RecordEditor: 0.98.4 ???

    Assuming windows

    • If you have not restarted since the install, shut down and restart the computer

    • go to directory C:\Program Files (x86)\RecordEdit\HSQL\lib

    • right click on RunUnpack.exe and run as administrator - you will not see anything
    • right click on runFullEditor.jar and select open. It should start the RecordEditor ???
    • Exit the RecordEditor
    • Try running the RecordEditor on the Menu.

    If the above fails try doing another RecordEditor install; won't do any harm

    If still having troubles

    Please let me know how you get on !!!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2017-10-13

      - Windows 7
      - RecordEditor_HSQL (0.98.4)

      I tried what you suggested by opening the jar file and it
      worked OK. I ended up uninstalling it and using
      the USB version and everything seems to be OK now.

      I installed this same RecordEditor version on a Windows 8 PC
      and it worked OK, maybe this is a Windows 7 quirk.

      Thanks for your timely and helpful reply.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2017-10-13

    Windows 7 should not be the issue, did you install Java and then install the RecordEditor straight after ???

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2017-10-16

      Windows 7 already had several versions of Java installed on it before the RecordEditor install.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2017-10-16

    Multiple Java versions is like;y the problem; will look at using Launch4J more



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