
#16 hangs on starting new game

crash (12)

So if I run reaper (btw I love it it is very cool)
without -f it hangs here (when I hit start)
[02 00:10:54] hw::dynload(5) loading: snd_simple.rp
[02 00:10:54] snd_subsystem(5) using simple for music
[02 00:10:54] hw::dynload(5) loading: snd_openal.rp
[02 00:10:54] snd_subsystem(5) using openal for sound
[02 00:10:54] snd_subsystem(5) SoundSystem_impl done
[02 00:10:54] hw::dynload(5) loading: snd_mp3.rp
[02 00:10:54] snd_plugin(5) OpenAL sound init
[02 00:10:54] hw::dynload(5) loading: snd_wave.rp
[02 00:10:54] event(5) created ep with id 0
[02 00:10:57] gfx_plugin(5) msg: 12
[02 00:11:00] config(5) Reading config: game.defaults
[02 00:11:00] config(5) Reading config: game
if I use -d switch it runs normaly. BTW Reaper doesn't
change resolution on my system
About system
Red hat 7.1 Xfree 4.1
NVIDIA (latest drivers) Geforce 2 MX
all games works fine.


  • Peter Strand

    Peter Strand - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Haven't seen it hang, either works or crashes for me ;)
    Please try v0.97 and see if it gives the same result.

  • Peter Strand

    Peter Strand - 2002-03-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> pstrand
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Matt Oelfke

    Matt Oelfke - 2002-03-25

    Logged In: YES

    A similar thing occurs to me, any time I try to start a new
    game or exit it freezes my system (although if running in
    windowed mode, I can use the KDE Crash Guard to kill it).
    Disabling sound made it work in my case.

    This occurs even in the current executable version, but if
    I compile it myself it doesn't happen. I suspect Red Hat
    7.x distros come with a version of either OpenAL, simple,
    or both that is a different minor version than the one used
    to compile reaper. (Thus it would use the same .so library

  • Peter Strand

    Peter Strand - 2002-09-23
    • labels: --> crash
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-later

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