
using MJPEG picture format instead of YUY2 with ELP camera on MAC OS

  • isacco pavanelli

    I just purchased an ELP camera based on the OV2710 sensor (one of those suggested on the reactivision home page). I noticed that reactivision uses the camera with the YUY2 picture format (I noticed that because the frame rate can reach only 30 fps at 640x480 and no more than 6 fps at higher resolutions). Is there anyway to make it work with the MJPEG format?
    I already tried to modify the camera.xml file typing "MJPEG" in the field "compression" but no luck with that..
    Have you got any other suggestion?
    I'm using a Macbook pro with MAC OS 10.8.4.
    Thanks in advance for the support!

  • isacco pavanelli

    i changed the field "compression" to "true" in the camera.xml file and it seems to work but only at 1280x720, 60 fps... setting any other resolution or frame rate it seems to work in YUY2 mode...
    if you wonder why I'm not happy at 1280x720, 60 fps it's because of the cpu load (31%)..
    at 640x480, 30 fps it's 6%... I would like to get something in the middle: better resolution without too much load on the cpu..
    thanks you

    P:S. the processor is an iter core i5..

  • Martin Kaltenbrunner

    Did you try to set the frame rate to "max" when using 640x480?

  • isacco pavanelli

    Hello Martin, yes I did... in that case I get 640x480, 30 fps. What I would like to reach is 800x600 or 1280x720 at 30 fps... but there seems to be no way...

  • Martin Kaltenbrunner

    try these two:
    <capture width="640" height="480" fps="60" compress="true"/>
    <capture width="800" height="600" fps="max" compress="true"/>


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