
Service for client to allow backups w/o shars

  • Ralf Döhmer

    Ralf Döhmer - 2008-03-31

    What do you think about the idea:
    Creating a service, which is waiting for requests of the server backup tool.
    This service will interacts with the server to allow backups of client files without using a share/without using a share in VSS-case -> Benefit: VSS is possible (but not in /client/C$)

    BR, Ralf

    • Miguel Nieto

      Miguel Nieto - 2009-01-11

      it's a good idea. But in that case the project should name RD's Windows Backup (without Litte).
      I think that use a client service to backup remote machines implies:

      -The service should send information about the folders structure in the remote machine. So the user can select the desired folders

      -The central console should have a powerfull log analizer and a configurable alert tool for faults.

      -It would be desiderable to have a web console to admin backups.

      -The client service must be instaled, updated, uninstaled from the central console

      It's an ambitious project.
      Best regards


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