
#7 Error while running "make linux-g++-64" inside build folder


I am trying to install rDock in Ubuntu 18-04 OS. I am getting the following errors:

../include/RbtContainers.h:40:20: error: redefinition of ‘template<class outputiterator,="" predicate="" inputiterator,="" class=""> OutputIterator std::copy_if(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator, Predicate)’</class>

It seems that a template class is defined twice in a cpp file as well as a header file.

Can anyone clarify on this issue?



Tickets: #7


  • Munesh Singh Chauhan

    It seems the problem is with some copatibility issues in Ubunut 18.04. I am able to install and test properly in Ubuntu 16.04 version. But is there any wayaround to install on Ubuntu 18.04?


    Last edit: Munesh Singh Chauhan 2019-03-17
    • Sergio Ruiz

      Sergio Ruiz - 2019-03-17

      Hi Munesh,

      Thanks for reaching us and using rdock.
      I have not seen this error in ubuntu 18.04.
      Good that you were able to install it in 16.04, but in case you need it in
      18.04, please try to install it through bioconda repository using conda:
      conda install -c bioconda rdock


      On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 at 06:59, Munesh Singh Chauhan wrote:

      It seems the problem is with some copatibility issues in Ubunut 18.04. I
      am able to install and test properly in Ubuntu 16.04 version.

      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Labels: Installation error
      Created: Sun Mar 17, 2019 07:34 PM UTC by Munesh Singh Chauhan
      Last Updated: Sun Mar 17, 2019 07:34 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I am trying to install rDock in Ubuntu 18-04 OS. I am getting the
      following errors:

      ../include/RbtContainers.h:40:20: error: redefinition of ‘template<class inputiterator,="" predicate="" outputiterator,="" class=""> OutputIterator
      std::copy_if(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator,

      It seems that a template class is defined twice in a cpp file as well as a
      header file.

      Can anyone clarify on this issue?


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      Tickets: #7

      • Munesh Singh Chauhan

        Hi Sergio,

        Many thanks for your prompt reply.

        I am looking to accelerate some features of rDock that are too slow using GPUs. So could you please suggest if possible portions of the rDock code (C++ functions) that are too slow and could benefit from multithreaded computing (I will be using CUDA to accelerate things).

        Unfortunately, I am not able to intall rDock using conda. Just curious to know if any one tried compiling rDock on Ubuntu 18.04 using "make linux-g++-64" that is without using conda? If so, what were the steps?


        • Munesh Singh Chauhan

          I am attaching the error log, while building on Ubuntu 18.04 using the following command:

          make linux-g++-64

          • Sergio Ruiz

            Sergio Ruiz - 2019-03-20

            Hi Munesh,

            I think it is related with your compiler version. Ubuntu 18.04 comes with
            gcc 7.3 by default, so you need to install 4.8.0 or 5.4.0, which I have
            succeed installing with (i will update the manual).
            In any case, conda installation was straightforward with fresh Ubuntu
            18.04, so I recommend you to try a bit more on that side, as all
            dependencies and older versions are well managed with the conda environment.


            On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 at 15:01, Munesh Singh Chauhan wrote:

            I am attaching the error log, while building on Ubuntu 18.04 using the
            following command:

            make linux-g++-64


            Status: open
            Milestone: 1.0
            Labels: Installation error
            Created: Sun Mar 17, 2019 07:34 PM UTC by Munesh Singh Chauhan
            Last Updated: Mon Mar 18, 2019 05:15 PM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            I am trying to install rDock in Ubuntu 18-04 OS. I am getting the
            following errors:

            ../include/RbtContainers.h:40:20: error: redefinition of ‘template<class inputiterator,="" predicate="" outputiterator,="" class=""> OutputIterator
            std::copy_if(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator,

            It seems that a template class is defined twice in a cpp file as well as a
            header file.

            Can anyone clarify on this issue?


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            Tickets: #7

            • Munesh Singh Chauhan

              Hi Sergio

              I am not familiar with conda installation.

              Can you please outline step by step process of installing rDock using conda. I am facing the following errors. Though I must say that I tried several times with the conda isntall command.

              **munesh@munesh-Lenovo-ideapad-130-15IKB:~/rDock_2013.1_src/dev/build$ conda install -c bioconda rdock
              Solving environment: failed

              UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
              - rdock
              Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.

              • Sergio Ruiz

                Sergio Ruiz - 2019-03-20

                Hi Munesh,

                It's a standard conda package installation, it will automatically download
                all dependencies and install them accordingly:

                $ lsb_release -a

                No LSB modules are available.

                Distributor ID: Ubuntu

                Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

                Release: 18.04

                Codename: bionic

                $ conda create -n docking-rdock

                Collecting package metadata: done

                Solving environment: done

                Package Plan


                To activate this environment, use

                $ conda activate docking-rdock

                To deactivate an active environment, use

                $ conda deactivate

                $ conda activate docking-rdock
                (docking-rdock) $ conda install -c bioconda rdock

                Collecting package metadata: done

                Solving environment: done


                The following packages will be downloaded:

                package                    |            build
                certifi-2019.3.9           |           py36_0         149 KB


                fontconfig-2.13.1          |    he4413a7_1000         327 KB



                xorg-libsm-1.2.3 | 25 KB |

                | 100%

                xorg-libxrender-0.9. | 31 KB |

                | 100%

                Preparing transaction: done

                Verifying transaction: done

                Executing transaction: done

                (docking-rdock)$ rbdock

                The rDock program is licensed under GNU-LGPLv3.0.

                Executable: rbdock ($Id:
                //depot/dev/client3/rdock/2013.1/src/exe/rbdock.cxx#4 $)

                Library: 2013/11/27


                RBT_HOME: /home/sruizcarmona

                Current dir: /home/sruizcarmona

                Date: Thu Mar 21 10:09:23 2019


                rbdock -i <sdfile> -o <outputroot> -r <recepprmfile> -p <protoprmfile> [-n
                [-ap] [-an] [-allH]</protoprmfile></recepprmfile></outputroot></sdfile>

                   [-t <targetScore|targetFilterFile>] [-c] [-T <traceLevel>] [-s


                Options: -i <sdfile> - input ligand SD file</sdfile>

                -o <outputroot> - root name for output file(s)</outputroot>

                -r <recepprmfile> - receptor parameter file</recepprmfile>

                -p <protoprmfile> - docking protocol parameter file</protoprmfile>

                -n <nruns> - number of runs/ligand (default=1)</nruns>

                -ap - protonate all neutral amines, guanidines, imidazoles

                -an - deprotonate all carboxylic, sulphur and phosphorous acid groups

                -allH - read all hydrogens present (default=polar hydrogens only)

                -t - score threshold OR filter file name

                -c - continue if score threshold is met (use with -t <targetscore>,
                default=terminate ligand)</targetscore>

                -T <tracelevel> - controls output level for debugging (0 = minimal, >0 =
                more verbose)</tracelevel>

                -s <rndseed> - random number seed (default=from sys clock)</rndseed>

                It takes around 5 min to install.

                Let me know if it works!



                On Thu, 21 Mar 2019 at 02:07, Munesh Singh Chauhan wrote:

                Hi Sergio

                I am not familiar with conda installation.

                Can you please outline step by step process of installing rDock using
                conda. I am facing the following errors. Though I must say that I tried
                several times with the conda isntall command.

                conda install -c bioconda rdock
                Solving environment: failed

                UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in
                - rdock
                Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.

                Status: open
                Milestone: 1.0
                Labels: Installation error
                Created: Sun Mar 17, 2019 07:34 PM UTC by Munesh Singh Chauhan
                Last Updated: Wed Mar 20, 2019 04:01 AM UTC
                Owner: nobody

                I am trying to install rDock in Ubuntu 18-04 OS. I am getting the
                following errors:

                ../include/RbtContainers.h:40:20: error: redefinition of ‘template<class inputiterator,="" predicate="" outputiterator,="" class=""> OutputIterator
                std::copy_if(InputIterator, InputIterator, OutputIterator,

                It seems that a template class is defined twice in a cpp file as well as a
                header file.

                Can anyone clarify on this issue?


                Sent from because you indicated interest in

                To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



                Tickets: #7

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-04-04

    Hi. I recently joined the SourceForge communityy as I want to install rDOCK for my project. I also had aa "make linux-g++-64" error. I have attached the error code. I have XUbuntu Linux. To try and correct the error, I downloaded popt into my Downloads directory. This is where the rDOCK folder is downloaderd and unzipped. I navigated to the build folder and followed the instructions to install. I get the same same error. DO i need to install additional dependencies? If so, where should they be saved so that rDOck can access them? Thanks in advance.

    • Sergio Ruiz

      Sergio Ruiz - 2019-04-08

      All the dependencies are detailed in the manual and the installation webpages. Based on the error log that you attached, looks like you dont have popt and popt-devel installed (or correctly pointed). Please check that and rerun rdock installation.
      You can also try installation with conda, which already manages all dependencies: conda install -c bioconda rdock

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2019-04-13
      Post awaiting moderation.
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-04-06

    Hi Sergio

    Thanks for your help.

    I finally decided to freshly install Ubuntu 16.04, which supports CUDA as well as rDock. The reason for not continuing with Ubuntu 18.04 was that I feared that downgrading the gcc version (to support rDock) might adversely affect other programs.

    Thanks once again.


  • Sergio Ruiz

    Sergio Ruiz - 2019-04-08
    • status: open --> closed
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-04-13
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-04-13
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-12-23
    Post awaiting moderation.


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