
#146 TS Session Broker support


I suggest there is no track for the feature request about Windows 2008 TS Session Broker support, am I right?
The main request is to redirect connections. I reviewed the repo, tried some revisions, mostly hoped for r1563. But the session halts on redirection.


Feature Requests: #146


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-25

    Is someone taking this up ? I'm really stuck with that Connection Broker thing ... :-(

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Yeah, we're here in Garden Route, South Africa and we are having quite the tough time getting a work around going.

    Any update on this? We will test and provide feedback very quickly.


  • Ola Magnusson

    Ola Magnusson - 2011-03-08

    I'm also wondering if someone can look into this?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-30

    I am also interested in this feature. I just recently discovered the RDP over HTTPS feature using my company's Terminal Server running Windows Server 2008. I'd like to be able to use this from Linux

  • Henrik Andersson

    The server redirection has been rewritten and verified against 2003 and 2008r2 using session directory / broker.

  • Henrik Andersson

    • Group: --> NextRelease
  • leeyiw

    leeyiw - 2013-12-06

    redirect connecton failed when server redirection PDU doesn't contains flag: LB_TARGET_NET_ADDRESS(0x00000001) and doesn't contains field: TargetNetAddress. The mstsc.exe in Windows will reconnect to the server which send this redirection PDU. And I think rdesktop should behave the same way. The quickly fix in rdp.c is:

    >   } else {
    >       g_redirect_server[0] = '\0';

    in rdesktop.c:

    <           STRNCPY(server, g_redirect_server, sizeof(server));
    >           if (g_redirect_server[0] != '\0') {
    >               STRNCPY(server, g_redirect_server, sizeof(server));
    >           }

    Last edit: leeyiw 2013-12-06
    • Henrik Andersson

      it does feel strange that you would receive a redirection PDU wihout information about the target you should connect to. Did you get the warning in console about PDU_REDIRECT_HAS_TARGET_NETBIOS or alike ?

      Could you apply this patch and send me redirect_pdu.raw, be aware that your password would be plain text in this packet dump:

      Index: rdp.c
      --- rdp.c   (revision 1773)
      +++ rdp.c   (working copy)
      @@ -1534,6 +1534,10 @@
          g_redirect_lb_info = NULL;
          g_redirect_cookie = NULL;
      +   FILE *f = fopen("redirect_pdu.raw", "wb");
      +   fwrite(s->p, 1, (s->end - s->p) ,f);
      +   fclose(f);
          /* these 2 bytes are unknown, seem to be zeros */
          in_uint8s(s, 2);

      Last edit: Henrik Andersson 2013-12-09
      • leeyiw

        leeyiw - 2013-12-06

        I think the reason the redirection PDU doesn't contain TargetNetAddress is
        because there is a NAT between RDP client and server, and this field is
        optional in the RDP protocol. I will send you a redirect_pdu.raw on monday.
        and because the RDP protocol document doesn't describe this scenario,
        rdesktop should behave like mstsc.exe.

        2013/12/6 Henrik Andersson

        it does feel strange that you would receive a redirection PDU wihout
        information about the target you should connect to. Did you get the warning
        in console about PDU_REDIRECT_HAS_TARGET_NETBIOS or alike ?

        Could you apply this patch and send me redirect_pdu.raw, be aware that
        your password would be plain text in this packet dump:
        Index: rdp.c

        --- rdp.c (revision 1773)
        +++ rdp.c (working copy)
        @@ -1534,6 +1534,10 @@
        g_redirect_lb_info = NULL;
        g_redirect_cookie = NULL;

        • FILE *f = fopen("redirect_pdu.raw", "wb");
        • fwrite(s->p, 1, (s->end - s->p) ,f);
        • fclose(f);
          / these 2 bytes are unknown, seem to be zeros /
          in_uint8s(s, 2);

        Status: open
        Created: Wed Mar 10, 2010 09:09 AM UTC by Anonymous
        Last Updated: Fri Dec 06, 2013 03:44 AM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        I suggest there is no track for the feature request about Windows 2008 TS
        Session Broker support, am I right?
        The main request is to redirect connections. I reviewed the repo, tried
        some revisions, mostly hoped for r1563. But the session halts on

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



        Feature Requests: #146

        • leeyiw

          leeyiw - 2013-12-06

          and I'm not get any warning in console when receive the redirection PDU

          2013/12/6 李毅为

          I think the reason the redirection PDU doesn't contain TargetNetAddress
          is because there is a NAT between RDP client and server, and this field is
          optional in the RDP protocol. I will send you a redirect_pdu.raw on
          monday. and because the RDP protocol document doesn't describe this
          scenario, rdesktop should behave like mstsc.exe.

          2013/12/6 Henrik Andersson

          it does feel strange that you would receive a redirection PDU wihout
          information about the target you should connect to. Did you get the warning
          in console about PDU_REDIRECT_HAS_TARGET_NETBIOS or alike ?

          Could you apply this patch and send me redirect_pdu.raw, be aware that
          your password would be plain text in this packet dump:
          Index: rdp.c

          --- rdp.c (revision 1773)
          +++ rdp.c (working copy)
          @@ -1534,6 +1534,10 @@
          g_redirect_lb_info = NULL;
          g_redirect_cookie = NULL;

          • FILE *f = fopen("redirect_pdu.raw", "wb");
          • fwrite(s->p, 1, (s->end - s->p) ,f);
          • fclose(f);
            / these 2 bytes are unknown, seem to be zeros /
            in_uint8s(s, 2);

          Status: open
          Created: Wed Mar 10, 2010 09:09 AM UTC by Anonymous
          Last Updated: Fri Dec 06, 2013 03:44 AM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          I suggest there is no track for the feature request about Windows 2008 TS
          Session Broker support, am I right?
          The main request is to redirect connections. I reviewed the repo, tried
          some revisions, mostly hoped for r1563. But the session halts on

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



          Feature Requests: #146

          • leeyiw

            leeyiw - 2013-12-11

            Sorry, I'm late.

            Here is the redirect_pdu.raw, It looks like it's only contains a redirect
            session ID and the username and passwod

            2013/12/6 leeyiw

            and I'm not get any warning in console when receive the redirection PDU

            2013/12/6 李毅为

            I think the reason the redirection PDU doesn't contain TargetNetAddress

            is because there is a NAT between RDP client and server, and this field is
            optional in the RDP protocol. I will send you a redirect_pdu.raw on
            monday. and because the RDP protocol document doesn't describe this
            scenario, rdesktop should behave like mstsc.exe.

            2013/12/6 Henrik Andersson

            it does feel strange that you would receive a redirection PDU wihout
            information about the target you should connect to. Did you get the warning
            in console about PDU_REDIRECT_HAS_TARGET_NETBIOS or alike ?

            Could you apply this patch and send me redirect_pdu.raw, be aware that
            your password would be plain text in this packet dump:
            Index: rdp.c

            --- rdp.c (revision 1773)
            +++ rdp.c (working copy)
            @@ -1534,6 +1534,10 @@
            g_redirect_lb_info = NULL;
            g_redirect_cookie = NULL;

            • FILE *f = fopen("redirect_pdu.raw", "wb");
            • fwrite(s->p, 1, (s->end - s->p) ,f);
            • fclose(f);
              / these 2 bytes are unknown, seem to be zeros /
              in_uint8s(s, 2);

            Status: open
            Created: Wed Mar 10, 2010 09:09 AM UTC by Anonymous
            Last Updated: Fri Dec 06, 2013 03:44 AM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            I suggest there is no track for the feature request about Windows 2008 TS
            Session Broker support, am I right?
            The main request is to redirect connections. I reviewed the repo, tried
            some revisions, mostly hoped for r1563. But the session halts on

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

   TS Session Broker

            Status: open
            Created: Wed Mar 10, 2010 09:09 AM UTC by Anonymous
            Last Updated: Fri Dec 06, 2013 03:44 AM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            I suggest there is no track for the feature request about Windows 2008 TS
            Session Broker support, am I right?
            The main request is to redirect connections. I reviewed the repo, tried
            some revisions, mostly hoped for r1563. But the session halts on

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Henrik Andersson

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Henrik Andersson
  • Henrik Andersson

    Support for server redirection using TS Session Broker (2008 / 2012) is now implemented and extensively tested. However rdesktop does not support connecting to a farm using RDS gateway.

    • leeyiw

      leeyiw - 2014-05-22

      I found that 1.8.2 is released. but still didn't handle correct when g_redirect_flags didn't contain PDU_REDIRECT_HAS_IP. can it be fixed in next version? I can upload an patch

      • Henrik Andersson


        Yes, could you please create a new bug describing the use-case and attach the patch. I'm not sure how to fix your issue, seems like it's about implementing a new feature, RDS gateway support.

        • leeyiw

          leeyiw - 2014-05-23


          I have create a new bug [bugs:#385] and the patch is tested work perfectly on my computer. Please take a look at it, Thanks.



          Bugs: #385