
Tree [317e0a] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Development 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.
 RAVL2 2010-06-07 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [04af5b] Further fixes.
 .gitignore 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.
 BuildTag 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.
 README 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.
 TODO 2011-06-04 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [317e0a] Trival change. 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.
 porting 2010-06-05 Charles Galambos Charles Galambos [440702] Merge changes from SVN repository.

Read Me


This repository (git on source forge) contains code for the unstable development
version of RAVL. If your looking for the stable version you should use the
subversion repository found on source forge. 


Start with the code found in the RAVL2 directory, instructions can be found

If you need  use from the Development directory it is recommended you build it
with the normal RAVL qm command.


If you want to contribute new sections of code it should create a directory
under Development/(username)/...

Ideally code in the development directory should be LGPL, or a compatible
license. Code under other licenses may be placed there, but should be clearly
labeled both with a file called LICENSE in its root directory and headers on all
the files.

Once the code is there it can be reviewed tested and a consensus reached about
where it should go.


There are currently two directories in the repository.

RAVL2       -All code in this repository should compile.
Development -This is intended for code that may form the basis of contributions.