
Is the RAVL thread-safe library?

  • Alexey Kostin

    Alexey Kostin - 2003-07-24

    I've heard that it is. But I fail to find any mutex-like operations in StringC class for example. What makes RAVL more thread-safe than STL?

    • Charles Galambos

      All the refrence counting is done with thread safe code.  This means several threads can hold handles to the same object safely.   This allows thread safe code to be written easily, provided your carefull.     

      This is not to say that all methods on RAVL objects are thread safe.      It is up to the user to ensure access to objects within
      their programs is handled in a an appropriate manner.

    • Alexey Kostin

      Alexey Kostin - 2003-07-24

      So that mean that, basically, only the operator= for reference counted classes is thread-safe. As to all other functions of the classes a programmer should think about thread-safeness. Am I right?

      And about thread-safeness of all classes, which do not have reference counting mechanism, a programmer should care too. For example, the StringC class has no advatages if compared with the string class in STL.

      • Charles Galambos

        Not quite.  More important than the operator= and a thread safe copy constructor, is the class destructor.  This ensures the body destructor is only called by one thread.   Especially as its very difficult to control when a destructors are called.

        StringC uses thread safe refrence counting to avoid uneeded copying, as do some implementations of the STL string.   The
        exact behavour of each the implementation may vary. The behavour of the RAVL implementation will not.

    • Alexey Kostin

      Alexey Kostin - 2003-07-24

      As I understand all thread-safeness of reference counting is in Atomic.hh file. The Generic version of the file is not thread-safe. I actually don't know is the version been used somewhere.

      • Charles Galambos

        The only time the generic headers are used is when no machine specific implementation available.   As many RAVL programs don't use threading, this is still usefull for many applications


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