
#223 Cannot compile


Hi, I've tried very hard to get Ravl to compile on the Mac OS (10.6). I've modified config.macosx line 57 to the following to correct the *.d files contents, and it worked.

MKDEPUP = echo "" > $(INST_DEPEND)/$*.d ; cat $(WORKTMP)/$*.d | awk -v cnt=0 -v str='-n $$(INST_OBJS)/' '{if (++cnt == 1) {print str$$0;} else {print $$0;}}' >> $(INST_DEPEND)/$*.d ; \

However, I only got so far to get the compiler to throw errors about "loosing precision" etc... I've attached only the error messages, can someone please point me to the right direction?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    error log

  • Charles Galambos

    Hi. That seems odd. I have it working on my machine ok
    I checked in some changes to the config file that helps
    Are you using fink or something else for external packages ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've worked out why the compilation throws lots error about precision loss, it's because the careless writer(s) of at least two files "SingleBuffer.hh" and "StdHash.hh" casts memory address to unsigned int, which should have been casted as uintptr_t.

    Also, I need to change config.arc line 56 to "*:Darwin:*)" to make the compiler run... Anyways, will keep trying.. What model is your Mac? PPC or Intel and what OS? 10.5 or 10.6?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    problem: RavlIO cannot access classes of RavlCore, causes many undefined symbols. is there anyway to fix this perhaps for QMake configurations?

  • Charles Galambos

    I'm using RAVL on a intel mac with 10.6. (A MacBookPro)
    Those functions intentionally loose precision, the return type of the hash method is standardised. I've not seen any warnings on the many compilers I;ve used else it would been fixed.
    What version of the compiler are you using ?
    What os with what processor ?
    Are you using it with fink or macports (I think its called)

  • Charles Galambos

    One important thing, I'm testing the mac support in the current svn version, the last release maybe somewhat behind.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Craftit, I'm, too, compiling Ravl on an intel machine, it's a mini running Snow Leopard 10.6.2

    I've solved the loss of precision problem (which doesn't warn, it throws errors and stops further compilation) by replacing cast type. The loss of precision error happens to Linux machines, too. Though I'm not sure what version of Linux, because it's an iceberg server. I've solved another problem regarding undefined "typeinfo" symbol (which is due to defining virtual methods prototypes without adding "{}" before ";" end) and now every class compiles on Snow Leopard!

    Although qmake is still unhappy about not being able to combine RavlCore and RavlIO etc... and refuses to make a final compilation of libRavl, I managed to archive every .c class file into libRavl.a using the "ar cr ..." command

    If you are interested, I can send you a copy of the Snow Leopard tailored version of Ravl library source?