
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing results of 47

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
230 position in NetIPortServerC class is declared as UIntT None open 2011-10-12 2011-10-12 5  
229 size parameter in GetAndWriteArray (TypeInfo.hh) None open 2011-10-12 2011-10-12 5  
228 DPSeekCtrlBodyC has Seek and Seek64 None open 2011-10-12 2011-10-12 5  
227 StreamPosT is causing more problems than solves None open 2011-10-12 2011-10-12 5  
226 cannot save Array-of-Matrices to file None open 2010-01-02 2010-01-02 5  
225 AAMScaleRotationShapeModelC cannot be saved None open 2009-12-02 2009-12-02 5  
224 missing overload None open 2009-12-01 2009-12-01 5  
223 Cannot compile None open 2009-11-21 2009-11-21 5  
222 can't load images None open 2009-05-10 2009-05-10 5  
221 feature with type/id="0" causes crash in AAM routines None open 2008-04-04 2008-04-04 5  
220 DPTypeConvert reference counting problem None open 2008-02-26 2008-02-26 5  
219 Compilation/runnnig using g++-3.3 v1.0 (example) open 2007-09-19 2007-09-19 5  
215 Compilation under OS X (Intel) None open Charles Galambos 2007-04-18 2007-04-20 5  
214 qm test improvement? None open 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 3  
212 deletable bug None open 2005-03-30 2005-03-30 5  
211 Hidden danger unsigned integer None open-fixed Charles Galambos 2005-03-02 2005-03-02 5  
210 search function on website broken None open 2005-01-13 2005-01-13 5  
209 conv - PNG files to AVI None open 2004-12-13 2004-12-13 5  
208 HEMeshEdgeBodyC::CorrectVertexEdgePtr None open 2004-12-03 2004-12-03 5  
207 THEMeshFaceIterC::IsLast() isn't last face in mesh None open 2004-11-02 2004-11-02 5  
206 DListC and DLIterC ambiguity None open 2004-10-25 2004-10-25 5  
205 IOStreamC inconsistency None open 2004-10-22 2004-10-22 5  
204 Inconsistent Matrix inversion interfaces None open 2004-07-28 2004-07-28 5  
203 templated method doc problem None open 2004-06-16 2004-06-16 5  
201 MatrixC.Inverse() under Windows is broken None open Charles Galambos 2004-05-25 2004-05-26 5  
  • Ticket Number
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