
Apple Lossless Audio Encoder for Linux

  • shiro

    shiro - 2004-10-12

    To be a practically useful Airport Express Client, this software
    should support many types of audio data.  There are many open-source
    audio decoder program, so it won't be a big deal to implement some
    decoders for compressed audio data. 

    However, sending audio data to an Airport Express, the data must be
    encoded into Apple Lossless Audio format.  It seems Apple Lossless
    Audio is not opened, and I couldn't have found any information about

    Only iTunes or Quicktime can convert audio data into Apple Lossless
    Audio, and such software is not available on Linux.

    After all, people need to open iTunes or Quciktime on Windows or
    Macintosh, and convert all songs into Apple Lossless Audio, then go
    to Linux and open this software, ..., few people would do that.

    I'll appreciate any information about Apple Lossless Audio encoder.


    • Freaky3000

      Freaky3000 - 2004-10-19
    • Freaky3000

      Freaky3000 - 2004-10-22

      i think that is what you need to get mp3 to Mp4a to play on Airport Express .

    • shiro

      shiro - 2004-10-23
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-04-03

      So will the software work to decode mp3 to the Loseless Audio format for the Airport Express?? Or any other software out there that would convert it, please let me know..

    • Torgeir Veimo

      Torgeir Veimo - 2005-10-21

      The latest JustePort release has a way of sending normal uncompressed audio to the airport extreme, so an alac encoder is no longer requied. The bandwidth use will probably be double that of streaming alac though.


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