
RAID1 on 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 - odd configuration

  • gstoynev

    gstoynev - 2014-05-27

    first of all - thank you for this great tool! It is awesome and it saved me quite some time.

    I have installed this on 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. Following the instructions was easy enough and the convertion process from single disk to RAID 1 went flawlessly. The system boots up fine, both disks look identical.
    Not sure if this is by design, but I found some oddity in the array config.
    So, initially I had single disk with 4 partitions:

    • sda1 /
    • sda2 swap
    • sda3 /tmp
    • sda4 /scratch

    The convertion result was:

    • md0 /
    • md1 /tmp
    • md2 sda + sdb

    It turned out /dev/md2 is the RAID1 of sda+sdb (the whole devices). Then there are md2p1, md2p2,md2p3,md2p4 which are the original 4 partitions. So far, so good. But md0 is also RAID1 and is permanently degraded as md2p1 is one of its members and there is no second member. Similar to it is md1.

    • md0 = md2p1 = sda1+sdb1, but is marked as degraded;
    • md1 = md2p3 = sda3+sdb3, but is marked as degraded;

    The expected result is:

    • md0 = sda1+sdb1
    • md1 = sda3+sdb3.

    Any idea of how I could fix the md0 and md1 being degraded while they have RAID1 device as disk member?

    Thank you,
    George Stoynev

  • gstoynev

    gstoynev - 2014-05-30

    Reporting back:
    so, I repeated the process this time with only single partition and no swap. raider -R1 sda sdb completed successfully, swapped the drives and booted. raider --run failed due to /dev/sdb not having the required partition. Anyway, long story short, I completed this part manually and added the rest of the partitions to mdadm and enable couple swap partitions (not in mdadm).

    Basically, raider did the hard work - initializing the array and updating grub.

    Thank you for the time and effort put into developing this tool,
    George Stoynev


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