
#217 ntfsdiff.exe failure

Windows (30)

Have been developing full negative transcripts and base loads for Windows 7 for the past several weeks, made good headway. Very basic Win 7 install, includes ESET but no auto updates of that or OS. This is 0.9.0 radmindpc toolset.
Yesterday, after getting all the regdiff and ntfsdiff done successfully, went to try my first lapply. After a ktcheck, running ntfsdiff -C led to a total crash of the executable.
Tried several times - no change. Tried ntfsdiff -1 on a few files - works. Reinstalled all radmindpc tools - no change.
This morning, reimaged test machine to the earliest image to see if I had gotten a Windows 7 update that broke it. No change.
Event logs only show the same thing I get when it crashes.
This is a rather solid brick wall.


  • David Houston

    David Houston - 2011-03-29

    Discovered that the same transcript generated by this same machine apparently, when pulled in using ktcheck (and this includes the negative transcript), must contain something that ntfsdiff does not like. In other words, there is something that presumably should be in the negative transcript that is not and it causes a very hard crash of the program.
    Will try and post update when this is found.

  • David Houston

    David Houston - 2011-04-01

    After a lot of trial and error, it turns out that the problem is the inclusion of registry transcripts in the command file that is called by ntfsdiff. As soon as I remove those, it goes fine.
    I do not know if this is a bug per se - i.e. if ntfsdiff should not have this problem, so am leaving this open.


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