
#21 Condition - strange behaviour

Interface (10)

If you set some conditions (i. e. "Fmode 1"="Yes", Fmode 2="No") and go to another screen, conditions stay on the screen (Now you can see "GEAR"="Yes", "TRN"="No")


  • Rafal Tomczak

    Rafal Tomczak - 2011-09-01
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Rafal Tomczak

    Rafal Tomczak - 2011-09-01

    It was by design... but I change it as You wish.

    fixed in 0.073

  • MarcinK

    MarcinK - 2011-09-02

    I'm afraid I can't set condition i. e. "Fmode 1"="Yes" & "GEAR"="No" due this.
    I was trying to set flaps (on Fmode) and airbrake (on GEAR), which can't be activated simultaneously.

  • MarcinK

    MarcinK - 2011-09-02
    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Rafal Tomczak

    Rafal Tomczak - 2011-09-02
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-wont-fix
  • Rafal Tomczak

    Rafal Tomczak - 2011-09-02

    sorry :( I didn't understand Your requirement...
    I fixed problem which caused not to clear setting when condition mode was changed from one mode to another.

    The "bug" You described won;t be fixed, because is this behaviour is ok, and it was done such way by design.

    Condition can work only in one mode: state condition or switch condition. You can't use both of them.

    If You want to combine both condition (state and switch), then different definition of "states" are needed. State machine rules can check additional condition, so you can use other state to hold your state+switch condition, and then use it in mixers. Maybe it will be enough to redefine current "state" changing rules?