
RadeonTweaker / News: Recent posts

RadeonTweaker has new maintainers

John and I (Aaron) have taken over the RadeonTweaker project, expect a new RadeonTweaker release soon! (don't hold ME to that though)

Posted by Aaron P. Martinez 2001-12-07

new maintainer needed

i'm sure most of you have noticed the complete lack of updates this project is recieving. the reason is simple--linux has become robust enough for me to use it for all of my computer tasks, so there is no point in keeping windows around. if anyone wants to become the new offical maintainer of radeontweaker, feel free to e-mail me and i can help get the program compiling on your system. thanks to everyone who made this program a success--i haven't updated in two months, and it's still being downloaded ~600 times each day :)... read more

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-10-06

1.2.0 betas

i've started releasing the betas for 1.2.0. anything with a version number of 1.1.90 or higher can be considered beta quality and frozen, so you won't see any more big features and hopefully each release should be fixing more and more bugs. hooray for almost-stable releases :)

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-06-10


i just released a new development version. i'm about half-way through the todo-list for 1.2. most of the big stuff is out of the way, and some of the remaining things (scrollable tabs, etc) may not work with the win32 port of gtk+, thus killing the ideas but speeding the release :)

also, i want to say thanks for all of the interest in this project and the *many* letters i've recieved from users. radeon users rule ;)

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-05-03

it is here.

i can't believe it. i actually finished something i started.


Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-04-04

almost there...

we're finally nearing a 1.0 release. thanks to paddy and vahur rt now supports overclocking in both win9x and winnt. i've ironed out all the bugs i can replicate and have recieved a few appreciative comments on the stability of radeontweaker. right now i'm torn; vahur is going to release the source code to a new overclocker soon that will support win9x/winnt. i can wait for this and then try and incorporate it (which may take some time; his code tends to be c++ so i'll need to convert what i can to c and write the rest myself), or release 1.0 without the ability to detect current clock speeds and get started on the 1.1.x branch. lemme know what you folks think :)

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-03-30

cleaning up the code...

i've been tidying up the internals of rt lately, and i think the rest of the 0.9.x series will be devoted to finishing that up. once i get everything nice, fast, and stable, the 0.10.x series will begin. if i haven't gotten anywhere with overclocking by that point, i may go ahead an realease it as version 1.0, but hopefully 0.10 or 0.11 will see the introduction of some overclocking code. hopefully :P

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-02-07

sleep is for the wretched... (i.e. rt 0.8.0 is out & about)

hrmm, let's see now... this guy named fflewddur wrote up a list of all the new features and bloat in this version. how very cool. now here it is:

version 0.8.0 - 01.11.01
* added icons to buttons
* implemented right-click menus with 'delete
key' functionality
* added a profile for ati's default setup
* removed button borders and included an option
to revert back to old style buttons
* added 'ati radeon' image
* added gamma control (kludgy, but functional)
* window now resizes itself if the docbar is
* fixed memory-allocation bug in the profile code... read more

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-01-12

RadeonTweaker 0.7.1

yay! new version's out, and it fixes all the known bugs on win2k. start sending in the bug reports so i can get all the unknown one's too ;)
the next release will prolly see the 'beautification' and stablization of radeontweaker, and *may* become a 1.0 release... i'm still debating. if anyone can help us get an overclocking feature in soon, *please* *PLEASE* help. we really want this done, but it's not going well :(

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2001-01-04

Web page is up!

We have a semi-real webpage made by yours truly. Go forth and mock it's glory.

Posted by Daniel Giralte 2000-12-28

Version 0.6.0!

woohoo! radeontweaker is finally becoming a fully functional tweaker; it now includes all the known tweaks, registry cleaning options, and documentation. yay for us! :)

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2000-12-28

World-Domination Continues as Planned...

hehe, just thought i'd share the news with you; in this projects first week, we've managed to grab the attention of,,, and there are now copies of radeontweaker hosted on (!) and the german magazine pcgame hardware has asked to include the tweaker on its next cover cd-rom! not too bad of a start i guess ;) ***THANK'S to everyone who's helped make this project a success!***

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2000-12-21

First public release!

RadeonTweaker 0.1 has escaped and made its way to public ftp servers! Grab it, test it, help us make it elite ;)

Posted by Todd Kulesza 2000-12-16