
#6 Blackberry display issue


This is not a huge deal at all but, I noticed that on my blackberry, while I can view the rack just fine, a 6u device that is in rack slot 1 shows up as a 5u device because the 1u does not fill in. You can see the rack just fine but the device starts displaying on slot 2. It still ends at the correct spot though.
Although slot one does not show any equipment, there is not a button to add to the slot so it is just a display glitch.
Although this is not the only display issue on the Blackberry, it is one of the few that I have seen with RackMonkey and it seems so close that it is probably just a prob in the CSS or a typo somewhere.
Again, this is not a huge deal especially since I do not remember even reading that you support the blackberry officially however, I wanted to point it out.

I am running ver 1.2.5-1


  • James Alspach

    James Alspach - 2009-10-06

    UGG...I am sorry, this should have been filed as a bug not as a support request. I am really off today.
    Let me know if you want me to del this and repost as a bug or ??


  • Flux

    Flux - 2010-04-06
    • labels: 783032 --> Web Interface
    • milestone: 796040 --> v1.2
    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • assigned_to: nobody --> wgreen
  • Flux

    Flux - 2010-04-06


    Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I am now working on RackMonkey development in earnest again.

    I don't have a Blackberry on which to try to diagnose this problem. Have you got any idea of what change would be required to fix this? I am happy to tweak the CSS if I know what needs to be done.


  • Flux

    Flux - 2010-04-06

    PS. I have moved this to the bugs queue.


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