
#186 Confusing look with a Checkbox in the Regular Task panel

Settings (35)

Just a comment.
I just wonder if having an disabled checkbox on Regular task in Settings -> Regular Task makes sense. In my opinion, it doesn't make sense to show this option
to the user. Since it is in the 'Regular Tasks' group, it means that the user edits a regular task and showing this option to the user if the user doesn't have any control over it, in my opinion doesn't make sense, since we ARE in the 'Regular Task' group, so as you pointed out we cannot add any other task but a regular task. So this option is redundant. The user doesn't need that option. Actually that option confuses the user since it allows asking a question how I can get control over this disabled checkbox. It is just a comment. I think it shouldn't be a checkbox, only the label "Repeated blah blah" and a combobox should remain.


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2011-02-11
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2011-02-11

    You are right Magda. It needs to be changed. Would you agree that changing the checkbox to label would suffice or do you prefer hiding both the label and pull down menu for normal tasks altogether?

  • magg

    magg - 2011-02-21

    I think the changing the checkbox to label would be enough. Just to inform the user. Sorry for the delayed replay.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    GUG7UR <a href="">ufkxazvwbega</a>, [url=]vmhjqnzcwwnr[/url], [link=]agmpifpjrzhh[/link],


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