
log4j stuff is giving me trouble.

  • Titus Brown

    Titus Brown - 2002-09-13


    I'm using JaWS and Rachel to deploy a bioinformatics GUI (FamilyRelations,\) and the log4j stuff built into Rachel is causing me a bit of trouble.

    I got rid of the first error messages by creating a ConsoleAppender and attaching it to the root logger.  I still get an error message saying "log4j: ERROR No output stream or file set for the appender named [null]".

    How can I get rid of this?


    • Titus Brown

      Titus Brown - 2002-09-13

      Ah-hah, figured it out: use BasicConfigurator.configure() to initialize log4j in a simple way.

    • Gerald Bauer

      Gerald Bauer - 2002-09-13


        I don't get alerts on this forum, so it might take a while until you get a response.

        You might try the new Rachel release that I switched over to Java's built-in logging toolkit shipping with 1.4 and that no longer requires log4j. Java's built-in logging toolkit doesn't require a configuration call on startup.

        - Gerald

    • Gerald Bauer

      Gerald Bauer - 2002-09-13

      Hi Titus,

        I forget to mention if want your app listed in the Rachel powerd apps and projects page ( ), I beg you to send my a blurb (short description) and a link and I add it.

        - Gerald


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