Jürgen Zick - 2017-02-26


I am testing qvPDF to enable some "uncommunicative" software to send emails from automated printed reports.
However, the problem, what is appearing, is that some of these programmes are opening the printer driver and send some data, but not closing the channel before the program has been stopped.
Therefore, the reports are not sent before the end of the programmes, what is not fitting to my idea of using qvPDF.

A solution could be, that the printer channel automatically finalizing PDF-conversion and sending out the PDF after a configurable timeout, e.g. when some programme does not send any data anymore, for let's say 20sec, then its processed and sent. The channel should be left open, so that the next chunk of data will be again processed.

At least for my use cases, that would make qvPDF much more usable ...

- Jürgen