
Quote of the Day / News: Recent posts

Alpha3 Released

Alpha3 is released.

Featuring a much cleaner code base and support for both Linux and Solaris (and likely NetBSD/FreeBSD/OpenBSD using the Darwin build parameters), Alpha3 will be the last alpha release before beta.

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-23

Solaris now Supported

Solaris builds and works (SPARC32, SPARC64 and Intel) in the latest snapshot. This functionality will make it's way into Alpha3.

Of course, Linux is supported as of Alpha2, so that brings the list of known supported platforms up to 3.

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-23

Linux Lives!

I should mention, as I forgot to in the Alpha2 release announcement, that Linux is now fully supported:

[dylan@dev-office quote-1.0]$ uname -a
Linux dev-office 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

[dylan@dev-office quote-1.0]$ file ./quote
./quote: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped

[dylan@dev-office quote-1.0]$ ./quote -v... read more

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-23

alpha2 available

Alpha2 is done and available in the files section.

Alpha2 is functionally identical to Alpha1, but the code has been modified heavily to be cleaner and lend itself to the development of some new features coming in Alpha3.

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-23

Linux build status

There are two bugs when building on Linux.

The first bug, where gethostbyname() results were being tested by h_errno and not the return value, is fixed as of this posting.

The second one is in the call to connect(). I haven't even looked at it yet, but I suspect that this is all that is needed to fix Linux compatibility.

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-21

alpha1 available.

Alpha1 of the Quote of the Day system is available.

quote-1.0-src.tar.gz should be available here from the release system shortly.

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-21

Project Started.

Hey Everyone. Welcome to the Quote of the Day page at SourceForge. I've had the current revision of the code running on my PowerBook for the last day or so and it's been running without issue. There are a few refactoring things that I want to do, but alas, I'll never be happy.

You can visit my home page at if you want to check out more about me.

Also, Eric Purcell is one of the project managers for this particular effort. He looks after the web development side of things, and on top of that, is one of the projects "idea men". ... read more

Posted by Dylan Neild 2003-03-21