
Tree [86dd4a] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 lib 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 .gitignore 2010-02-20 Joe Balough Joe Balough [101259] added gitignore
 README 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [aee490] Added readme file
 addGrading.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 addOption.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 addQuestion.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 addQuizInfo.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 addRange.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 index.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 logo.png 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 quizzyBuilder.css 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 quizzyBuilder.js 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [86dd4a] forgot to remove a debug line
 saveQuiz.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict
 util.php 2011-02-11 Joe Balough Joe Balough [02855f] fixing conflict

Read Me

quizzyBuilder 2.0 is a companion tool to the PHP library quizzy. It can be used to graphically build quizzes
that are usable by the quizzy library.

To use quizzyBuilder on your server, just extract this archive into its own folder on your server and go index.php
in your web browser. Your server must be running PHP 5 for simpleXML
You can also just use the public quizzyBuilder on the quizzy homepage at
It might be more desirable to use online version because it is guaranteed to be the latest version and the current
version of quizzyBuilder produces several warnings in PHP if warnings are turned on.

If you encounter any problems with quizzyBuilder, please report them to