
stream input

  • Giuseppe Attardi

    I need to create a lexer reading data from an ifstream:

    istream is(argv[1]);
    quex::tokenizer_it qlex(&is, "UTF-8");

    This worked in version 0.64.8, using

    quex --iconv -b 4\
                --bet wchar_t \
                --token-policy single \

    In version 0.65.4 instead I get this error:

    Error: Quex engine constructor has received a standard input handle!
    Error: Standard input has to be treated like buffered input. Please,
    Error: consult the documentation or the example 'stdinlexer.cpp' in
    Error: directory $QUEX_PATH/demo/010 (> make stdinlexer.exe). Please,
    Error: review the other (non-stdin) examples in this directory to
    Error: conclude how to read encoded data via stdin.

    Note also that the example in question is number 009 and not 010.
    Fix also the English: "to conclude" -> "for learning"


    Last edit: Giuseppe Attardi 2015-06-30
  • Giuseppe Attardi

    You suggested to look at example 009 for a solution.

    However, what the example does is to read data and to push it to the lexer.
    That does not work for me. I want the lexer to pull data from the stream, not viceversa, since I am building a data-driven pipeline.
    Each stage pulls data from the previous one.

    Here is a simple main function that does what I need, and works in 0.64.8

    int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // (*) create token
    quex::Token token;
    // (*) create the lexical analyser
    istream* is = argc > 1 ? new ifstream(argv[1], ios::in) : &cin;
    quex::tokenizer_it qlex(is, "UTF-8");
    // (*) loop until the 'termination' token arrives
    while (true) {
        // (*) get next token from the token stream
        const QUEX_TYPE_TOKEN_ID TokenID = qlex.receive();
        // (*) check against 'termination'
        if (TokenID == QUEX_TKN_TERMINATION)
        else if (TokenID == QUEX_TKN_EOS) {
          cout << endl;
        } else {
          // (*) print out token
          cout << quex::unicode_to_char(token.text) << endl;

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