
#12 Editing of table rows.


very nice plugin.

I suggest that the edit/update of rows could be implemented as editable table rows.
Alternately double clicking on a column could open an editor for the column cell.
The current edit implementation is clumsy/unusable when handling
tables with a large number of columns since the view could exceed the screen size and has no scroll
bars etc.

Also adding a commit/rollback button on the table view would allow multiple edits to be comitted or rolled
back in one operation.



  • Tom Schneider

    Tom Schneider - 2002-09-24

    Logged In: YES

    I've looked into having editable table, but it's just too
    risky using any method I can think of.
    I would be interested to know if you have any ideas on how
    this can be accomplished without having potentially adverse
    side affects. (e.g. updated rows that weren't supposed to
    updated, or not updating the correct row)

  • Tom Schneider

    Tom Schneider - 2002-09-24
    • assigned_to: nobody --> schneidh
  • Julen Parra

    Julen Parra - 2003-07-31
    • assigned_to: schneidh --> jparrai
  • Paul Gross

    Paul Gross - 2004-07-14

    Logged In: YES

    A fairly risk-free way to edit most tables might be as follows:
    Detect any table keys (primary key or identity column), and
    permit editing only when one is found. If the table doesn't
    have a detectable key, flag 'READONLY TABLE - NO PRIMARY
    KEY' the on the display. This way the user knows why the
    table they are looking at can't be edited, but many tables will
    be safely editable.

  • Julen Parra

    Julen Parra - 2004-07-14

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, that's the principle I'm following in the long-delayed
    implementation of this feature. There is however another
    step to reasonably take, that is, to use pseudo-columns.
    Some databases (Oracle for example) have for every row an
    unique identifier, a pseudocolumn (ROWID for Oracle) that
    can be used even if the table has no other key. These
    pseudo-columns have the risk that can be reused, so if you
    do a select, then an update, in the time the row with that
    ROWID can be deleted, and its ROWID assigned to another. But
    that's highly unlikely, so the use is fairly safe. The use
    of pseudo-columns, however, add a degree of complexity to
    the implementation of the feature.

    As a third step, the user could be allowed to select a
    number of columns as the key for updating that table. Those
    columns should have to be stored as local metadata (local to
    Quantum) for the table. There is now no mechanism in Quantum
    to store local metadata for a particular table, and a
    complete implementation (solving things like table drops and
    so on) can be complex, as more uses can easily be conceived.

    Of course, your idea can be used as the solution for a first
    release, as it may be better to have something not perfect
    that nothing at all, and wait for the perfect implementation.

    Another design decision to take is the fact that Eclipse
    3.0, if I'm not mistaken, does allow virtual tables to be
    defined. That would eliminate the need of limiting the
    loaded number of records, but it's obviously another
    implementation. As 3.0 is here, perhaps I should do only the
    3.0 implementation, and forget about Eclipse 2 users,
    probably an endangered species anyhow.

    Doubts, doubts, doubts.

    Thanks for your ideas :)

  • Elvin E. Ebora

    Elvin E. Ebora - 2007-02-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This issue has already been addressed by the update, insert and delete popup windows.


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