
#37 Unable to build the project


After recent changes I'm unable to build the project because of the following error message (see the full log in the attachment):

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/home/mbnoimi-work/HPCTECH/Proje.qm/qtrpt/QtRptDesigner/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_uk_UA.qm', needed by `locale'.  Stop.

NOTE: The folder Proje.qm doens't exist!

1 Attachments


  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-12-01

    There is no folder Proje.qm in QtRptProject !!!

    • mbnoimi

      mbnoimi - 2015-12-01

      May you please take a look to the full log. I reproduced same issue with another machine!

      • mbnoimi

        mbnoimi - 2015-12-01

        BTW, I'm still wondering why you complecated things with trnaslation by using the following?!

        TRANSLATIONS +=  \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_uk_UA.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_sr_RS.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_sr_RS@latin.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_ar.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_ka_GE.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_pt_PT.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_zh_CN.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_es_ES.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_fr_FR.ts \
            $$PWD/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_de_DE.ts \
        # Automatically build required translation files (*.qm)
        all.depends = locale
        #QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += all
        QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x
        TRANSLATION_TARGETS = $$replace(TRANSLATIONS, ".ts", ".qm")
        locale.depends = $$TRANSLATION_TARGETS
        QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += locale
        "%.qm".commands = lrelease -qm $@ $<
        "%.qm".depends = "%.ts"
        QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += "%.qm"
        PRE_TARGETDEPS += locale

        Any way I'll try to find out a solutin for this complication.


        Last edit: mbnoimi 2015-12-01
        • aliks-os

          aliks-os - 2015-12-01

          what confuses you?

          • mbnoimi

            mbnoimi - 2015-12-01

            The problem occurs because of Automatically build required translation files (*.qm) feature so I don't prefer to use it.

            This occurs because this feature eats some charecters from the correcct path of *.qm



            should be:


            Last edit: mbnoimi 2015-12-01
      • aliks-os

        aliks-os - 2015-12-01

        today I made compiling on three PC. I have not such error. Before building make clear than qmake. As I wrote before There is no folder Proje.qm

        • mbnoimi

          mbnoimi - 2015-12-01

          Does any of these PCs using Linux ?

          • aliks-os

            aliks-os - 2015-12-02

            Just a moment was tested on Debian and MacOS, was errors only in cases in names XYZ_UpdateDlg - lower/upper cases.

            No any error which you had describe previously.

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-12-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • Michel

    Michel - 2016-04-06

    I've the same problem described.

    My QtRptProject is located on a folder named "/home/michel/Téléchargements".
    Téléchargements become Téléchargeme.qm when I compile (With QtCreator on Linux Ubuntu 15.10).

    TRANSLATION_TARGETS = $$replace(TRANSLATIONS, ".ts", ".qm")

    If a move my QtRptProject into an another folder, I've no error.

    • aliks-os

      aliks-os - 2016-04-07

      Do you have such If not please replace. Or better download fresh version from git repo

  • Michel

    Michel - 2016-04-07

    I've version (1.5.5) freshly installed this week from sourceforge.
    I've also

    • aliks-os

      aliks-os - 2016-04-07

      replace which attached in prev post
      and try again

  • Michel

    Michel - 2016-04-07

    Sorry, I've just seen your attached file.

    qmake is ok. Compile get :
    erreur : No rule to make target 'C:/Users/Michel/Programmes/QtRptProject/QtRptProject/QtRptDesigner/i18n/QtRprtDesigner_ta_IN.qm', needed by 'locale'. Stop.

    The problem is that qmake replace any files which ends with ".ts" but this applies also to a folder. The regexpr works with a folder endding by a dot and caracters "ts" after. Like "Téléchargements", "Documents", "Projects".

    I reproduce this behavior with an other computer (Vista) and Qt 5.6.

  • Michel

    Michel - 2016-04-08

    I don't know if this is a nice solution but if a escape the dot caracter in, it works. Instead of remplacing "any string which ends with any caracter and caracters ts", it search "any string which ends with a dot and ts". Like a regexpr.

    I repeat that I'm not a specialist about Makefile and I'm not e developper.

    The ligne becomes :

    TRANSLATION_TARGETS = $$replace(TRANSLATIONS, "\.ts", ".qm")

    Last edit: Michel 2016-04-08
    • aliks-os

      aliks-os - 2016-04-08

      Yes, you are rigth, the problem in it. The new pro file uploaded to git repo


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