
New version

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  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-02-05

    New version 1.5.0 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.0
    • Now we have own web-site at or
    • Memory leak fixed
    • Adoption to use in MacOS and Linux
    • Adoption to use with Qt4x
    • Now you may build QtRPT as a library
    • Added system variable “LineCount”

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.0
    • Added French language
    • Prepared files for Spanish language
    • Some bug fixed
    • Adoption to use in MacOS and Linux
    • Adoption to use with Qt4x
    • ImageField. Now possible save image to the file.

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-04-08

    New version 1.5.1 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.1
    • QtRPT now inherits QObject
    • Added new example “Print to PDF”
    • Added new example “QtRptCGI”, shows how to make CGI to generate reports under WebServer Apache2
    • Added function to change SQL query “setSqlQuery”
    • QtRPT now have possibilities generate HTML report
    • Added button “Export to PDF” to PrintPreviewDialog
    • Added button “Export toHTML” to PrintPreviewDialog
    • Changed signals to:
    1. void setValue(const int recNo, const QString paramName, QVariant &paramValue, const int reportPage);
    2. void setValueImage(const int recNo, const QString paramName, QImage &paramValue, const int reportPage);
    • Change license to Apache 2.0

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.1
    • The page size Letter corrected to H-1118px W-863px
    • Added page size A3, A5
    • Possibility of fields grouping
    • Speed up during containers moving
    • Font’s size bug fix after copy/paste
    • Added Dutch language

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-05-12

    New version 1.5.2 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.2
    • Drawing bug fixing
    • Background highlighting bug fixing
    • Bug fixing of using QtRPT as library
    • Added following built-in functions:
    o NumberToWords (ENG)
    o Frac
    o Max
    o Min

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.2
    • Located problem of DB drivers
    • Zooming bug fixed
    • Remove highlighting bug fixing

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-08-01

    New version 1.5.3 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.3
    • Added public function “setResolution” to change resolution of printing
    • Now possible QPrinter and QPainter from user application. Added public functions: “setPrinter” and “setPainter”
    • Added signal newPage(int page) which emits when creating new page during printing
    • Now possible draw border of the page
    • Added new property to TContainerField – “barcodeHeight”

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.3
    • Added German language
    • Added Spanish language
    • At the dialog “Page settings” possible sets the properties of border

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-09-14

    New version 1.5.4 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.4
    • Added possibilities pass SQL params and SQL query from user application
    • Added new field’s type DatabaseImage
    • Added possibility retrieve images from DB
    • Added following built-in functions:
    o NumberToWords (GER)
    o NumberToWords (UKR)
    o Frac
    o Floor
    o Ceil
    o Round
    • Retrieve SQL data in user functions bug fix
    • AutoHeight for HTML bug fix

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.4
    • Added Example 16. How to retrieve Images from DB
    • Added Example 17. How to use built-in functions

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2015-12-15

    New version 1.5.5 of the QtRPT and QtRptDesigner

    QtRPT version 1.5.5
    • RichText field bug fixing
    • Bug fixing of building Zit library with MSVC.
    • Changed folder’s structure of the project. Created folder “3rdparty”. Zint library moved to it
    • Bug fixing. Error in Grouping without GroupingFooterBand
    • Added following built-in functions: NumberToWords (ESP) for Spanish
    • Added following built-in functions: NumberToWords (FR) for French, French(BE), French(CH)
    • Frac function corrected
    • Examples path fix for MacOS

    QtRptDesigner version 1.5.5
    • Added possibility open report file in OS via right click and select “open with”
    • Bug fixing. Error during creating new report. Page’s border was true, page’s border width was sets to 99.
    • Bug fixing. Set initial height of the Barcode

  • Sandeep Kurhade

    Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-04

    hi, i am using Qtrpt designer version 2.0.1. i have inserted 50000 data in sqlite3 database. then i am taking that data into QTableWidget. For that it takes hardley 2 to 3 sec to fetch from Sqlite3 databse and display in QtableWidget. But when i generate the report then it takes 2.5 min to display the Report with data. This task is very much time taking. How can be this time reduced to atleast 5 sec.
    QtRPT *report = new QtRPT(this);

    report ->recordCount.append(ui->tableWidget_2->rowCount());
    qDebug()<<"the record count = "<<ui->tableWidget_2->rowCount();
    (void) reportPage;

    if(paramName == "dyn_date_time_val"){
        paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,dttm)->text();
    if(paramName == "dyn_wt"){
        paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,prd_wt)->text();
    if(paramName == "status_val"){
        paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,prd_result)->text();
    Please help me out. Thanks.
  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2018-07-04

    first of all better to use v2.0.2 Next could you please pass me you DB file and your xml file

  • Sandeep Kurhade

    Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-04

    Yes sure. I am attaching my project. Project consist of reporte.xml file. In that please write the text infront of Product code as testdb.
    then press button sequence as following
    1. connect
    2. Add
    3. Select
    4. Print --here it takes time.

  • Sandeep Kurhade

    Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-04

    here it is the seperate file.rar contains db file and xml file.

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2018-07-05

    according your instructions i didnt make any query. Meantime I see that on one page you have a lot of fields and if you will have about of 50000 records (is it should be 50000 pages as well?) The report building takes a lot of time. Try to change the logic of report building or use some filters to reduce the record numbers

  • Sandeep Kurhade

    Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-06

    hello sir i am using the new version and my code is below
    void Widget::on_toPrintBtn_clicked()
    QString fileName = (":/reporte.xml");
    QtRPT *report = new QtRPT(this);
    QObject::connect(report, SIGNAL(setValue(int &recNo, QString &paramName, QVariant &paramValue, int reportPage)), this, SLOT(setValue(int &recNo, QString &paramName, QVariant &paramValue, int reportPage)));
    void Widget::setValue(int &recNo, QString &paramName, QVariant &paramValue, int reportPage)
    if(paramName == "dyn_date_time_val"){
    paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,dttm)->text();
    if(paramName == "dyn_wt"){
    paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,prd_wt)->text();
    if(paramName == "status_val"){
    paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,prd_result)->text();


    this code gives me error QObject::connect: No such signal QtRPT::setValue(int &recNo, QString &paramName, QVariant &paramValue, int reportPage)

    Please guide me.

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2018-07-06

    please take a look more attentivly how you connects signal and slot

    • Sandeep Kurhade

      Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-09

      Yes now the issue is resolved but still my basic issue is to generate print preview of 50000 data it takes 2.5 min which is very high. I have used the new version and still loading problem is there.
      the code is below

      void Widget::on_toPrintBtn_clicked()
      QString fileName = (":/reporte.xml");
      QtRPT *report = new QtRPT(this);

      QObject::connect(report, SIGNAL(setDSInfo(DataSetInfo &)),
      this, SLOT(setDSInfo(DataSetInfo &)));
      connect(report, SIGNAL(setValue(const int , const QString , QVariant& , const int )),
      this, SLOT(setValue(const int , const QString , QVariant& , const int)));
      void Widget::setValue(int recNo, QString paramName, QVariant &paramValue, int reportPage) {

      // paramValue = getFieldValue(paramName,recNo);
      if(paramName == "dyn_date_time_val"){
      paramValue = ui->tableWidget_2->item(recNo,dttm)->text();
      void Widget::setDSInfo(DataSetInfo &dsInfo)
      if (dsInfo.dataSetNo == 0)
      dsInfo.recordCount = ui->tableWidget_2->rowCount();
      if (dsInfo.dataSetNo == 1)
      dsInfo.recordCount = ui->tableWidget_2->rowCount();


      I am attaching db file. Please suggest me optimize code to generate print preview within 10 sec.

    • Sandeep Kurhade

      Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-09

      Also as you said i have used the large number of fileds on Xml filee. But these fields are required.
      Here i am attaching the Xml file. Please help me.

      • aliks-os

        aliks-os - 2018-07-09

        Please make a measurement how many times takes preview building in MS Word the 50000 pages


        Last edit: aliks-os 2018-07-09
        • Sandeep Kurhade

          Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-07-16

          The conclusion is if i hvae large database then Qtrpt will take time to load pages. But actually this is bug. See my data can have 1 lakh plus. To take this into Qtrpt report then it will take more than minutes. Please look into this.

  • Vanessa Robbins

    Vanessa Robbins - 2018-07-08

    Dear aliks-os,

    If i try to add a QtChart in the designer, it shows well on screen however when i click print preview it shows without the x and y axes as seen in the images below:

    Also i tried to run both "report with diagram" examples from QtRptDemo but i get the same behavior...
    Any ideas why this is happening? I am using windows binaries version 2.02




  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2018-07-08

    The qtrpt.cpp. The function
    void QtRPT::drawFields(RptFieldObject *fieldObject, int bandTop, bool draw)

    try to change the following lines of code, approx position is 719 line

                    /*QRectF rect = QRectF(left_, top_, width_, height_);
                    QScopedPointer<QChartView> chartView(new QChartView(fieldObject->chart));
                    chartView->render(painter, rect,>rect());
                    QScopedPointer<QChartView> chartView(new QChartView(fieldObject->chart));
                    QRectF rect = QRectF(left_, top_, width_, height_);
          >render(painter, rect,>rect());
  • Sandeep Kurhade

    Sandeep Kurhade - 2018-09-28

    hello sir
    how to reduce the report loading time ?
    i have 50000 data in database. To fetch that data from database into Qtrpt report it is taking time aprox. 3 min.
    Please guide me and give me demo code to do that.

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2022-01-05

    New version QtRPT project 3.0.0

    Now we can use Qt6

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2022-11-30

    The webversion of the QtRptDesiger was published here QtRptWebDesinger

  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2023-12-19

    New version QRPT project 3.1.0

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