
#29 midi in lost after editing midi tracks


After adding a track and recording from keyboard input thru usb midi input device, then editing the track, future midi input is not received by qtractor.
For example,
Track1 - record hi-hat (filename: test-Drums-1.mid)
Track1 - record kick (filename: test-Drums-2.mid)
Select both midi files in Files view
Right-click Track1 Clips and Merge
Attempt to record on any track (Track1 or new Track), no input is received.
Midi out playback still works
Midi in from keyboard to USB midi device still works
Resolution. Close QTractor and restart


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2012-12-29

    check whether you're using the gtk+ widget style (usually the default on ganome/ubuntu environments); opening the native file requester dialogs used to schoke with the midi input event loop. maybe your case, maybe not.

    can you always reproduce the issue by following those same steps? if you suspect the gtk+ style is of concern, please try with something else, like

    qtractor -style plastique


  • Andrew Hamlin

    Andrew Hamlin - 2012-12-29

    Thanks for the quick reply. That is indeed the problem. I am able to run using the plastique style without the crash. And just re-verified the same using the default gtk+ style.
    I am running Gentoo Linux, btw. I will just update my launcher with the -style argument for now. The plastique style is nice and tight UI leaving more room for the notation. :)

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2013-01-02
    • status: open --> pending
  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2013-01-28
    • status: pending --> closed

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