
#135 Add 'Momentary' tick box to Activate - MIDI Controller window


Hello Rui,

In the Activate - MIDI Controller window it would be great if a 'Momentary' tick box could be added. This is especially useful for turning plugins or plugin parameters on or off with a MIDI footswitch which mostly are toggle switches (pressing once sends a 127 and releasing it a 0 or the other way around depending on the polarity). Guitarix has this option too, this way I can use my Boss MIDI footswitch as an effect switcher. Thanks in advance!



  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-10-12

    afaics. most midi foot(switch) controllers can be (re)programmed to operate in the so called "latch" mode, which means that pressing once sends a 127(=on) and pressing it twice later will send 0(=off); at least roland's fc-300 works that way as from factory default.

    i may add support to the "momentary" mode of operation, where depressing/releasing the foot-switch does send an immediate 0(=off) control change, also meaning that a value of 127(=on) is to toggle the target parameter state (127<->0), and 0(=off) is about to be simply ignored. or not, if one possibly admits either up or down edge-triggering... whatever.

    meanwhile, you should check whether you can reset the foot controller operation to "latch" mode, the only that probably makes practical sense in qtractor atm.


  • Jeremy Jongepier

    Latch, that was the word I was looking for, not momentary :) I guess I need to purchase a Boss FS-5L for my FC-50 because now I only have FS-5U's which are non-latch footswitches. Or use Mididings with the FS-5U but that does make it a bit more complex. Guess I'm going to see if I can find a latching MIDI footswitch. Thanks again Rui!

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-10-13
    • status: open --> pending
  • Jeremy Jongepier

    Thanks Rui! I'll test it and report back.

  • Jeremy Jongepier

    The option works but it seems to work in the exact opposite way as I thought it would. Unticking latch turns my non-latching FS-5U switch into a latching switch. Ticking the box, so activating latch mode, makes it keep its non-latching behavior.

    • Rui Nuno Capela

      Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-10-15

      maybe we're confusing terms here:

      a) re. FS-5U: the "U" is for Unlatched aka."momentary" mode of operation--should work with a MIDI controller with the "Latch" attribute (un)checked OFF;

      b) re. FS-5L: the "L" is for Latched mode of operation--should go for a MIDI Controller with the "Latch" attribute checked on (as is the default as ever before).



      Last edit: Rui Nuno Capela 2014-10-15
      • Jeremy Jongepier

        I get it now, thanks. I misunderstood to what the term Latch applied to. It applies to the switch you're using, not an option in Qtractor itself (that was what I was refering to). So if you're using a latching switch you should tick Latch, if you're using a non-latching switch you should untick the Latch option.

  • Jeremy Jongepier

    I think this ticket can be closed. The latch option works great, I'm using it quite a lot at the moment. Thanks again!

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2014-10-26
    • status: pending --> closed

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