
make issues (newbie question)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm using Fedora core 2, test 3. I tried to follow the simple commands on how to compile:

    1. tar xzf qtella-VERSION.tar.gz
    2. cd qtella-VERSION
    3. ./configure
    4. make
    5. make install (as root)

    'make' command does nothing, I just get the error 'make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.' , same thing for make install. I tried both commands as root. Yes, I'm in the correct directory. Using .0.6.4



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem but i'm useing RH9 just installed it

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ./configure creates the Makefile .....
      If there is no makefile then you are prabably getting an error in the configure stage.  Check again and make sure to fix any complaints it might have.


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