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I also got similar problem on my C760 with QpeGPS
Without a GPS receiver connected, an error dialog appears.
(this is normal) Also, "Error number 0 occurred" shown on
screen. QpeGPS doesn't response to any hot-key except for
"enter". It seems that there's no refresh on display after
key-press is processed such that all changes reflected after
"enter" is pressed. And it's very slow for moving or
changing maps. Multiple keys-press would make it like
frozen. For example, using a 800x640 sized map, pressing 3
times "right" then "enter" would take several seconds before
menu items shown and then the map moves.
(does it matter if scaling is wrongly given with MERCATOR?
could this be automatically calculated?)

BTW, maybe it's better automatically change to map-mode if
no receiver is connected or position not fixed and
optionally auto switch back when position is fixed.

Y. Chao