This qmidiarp release comes about a year after the last one...and yet again: Not much new stuff, but some more bugs squeeeezed, thanks to some courageous reporters. And, after all, it's a lifesign isn't it? In other words, updating is of course highly recommended.
Have fun with QMidiArp 0.6.2, below is the list of changes.
qmidiarp-0.6.2 (2015-10-06)
Fixed Bugs
o Arp: Regression: Latch mode caused the first note playing on
forever and other annoyances (Bug #12 reported by Alois Cochard)
o Seq: Small position error of the helper tick line relative to the
notes placed
o Seq: Note length values saved to file were not correct and had no
correct default (Bug #14 reported by Steve Grace)
o LV2 Seq and Lfo: Display was not correct when diminishing resolution
or length in plugin UI
Minor improvement
o LV2 Seq: Vertical zoom values are part of the controls and therefore
saved in presets as well