
QMidiarp-0.4.2 released

Great feedback from some users, especially Louigi Verona, Sascha Schneider and Jeremy Jongepier have kept the inspiration level up, some bugs could be squeezed since the last release. Two major issues had been addressed in a provided patch, but other small ones are now done in this release.
I'd like to thank Nedko again for great discussions and answers in most cases :)

But there are also some new features, most of them inspired by you guys:

qmidiarp-0.4.2 (2011-07-10)

New Features
o LFO wave lengths up to 32 bars for very low frequencies
o Groove Settings and LFO & Seq resolutions now also MIDI-controllable
o One-click duplication of LFO and Seq modules
o Option to add new modules in muted state
o Vertical Zoom switch for Seq module display
o ToolBars can be positioned vertically
o Nested arrangement of modules allows more flexible layouts

Fixed Bugs
o 0.4.1-patch had been available for the following two:
o Jack Transport sync arbitrarily stopping with only arp modules
o Instability with ALSA clock with only Seq and LFO modules
o Faster response to Jack Transport state changes
o Incorrect response to two Seq sliders

General Changes
o Jack Transport sync uses jack process callback not sync callback

Posted by Frank 2011-07-10

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